Free cash flow to equity holders, for example, is calculated differently than cash flow to stakeholders, which is different from a simple summation of the various cash flows on the cash flow statement.例如,股权持有者自由现金流量的计算方式与股东现金流的计算方式不同,后者并不仅仅是将现金流量表中...
对于大多数公司来说,FCF的计算是直接的: Target's numbers for FCF come directly from its Cash Flow Statement. But we need to adjust Vivendi's CFO figure by deducting Net Interest Expense and the Interest Element of the Op. Lease Expense. Target的自由现金流(FCF)数字直接来自其现金流量表。 但我...
Cash flow is reported on the cash flow statement, which contains three sections detailing activities. Those three sections are cash flow from operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities. FCFF is the cash flows a company produces through its operations after subtracting any outla...
其英文释义如下: Free cash flow to the firm (FCFF) represents the amount of cash flow from operations available for distribution after accounting for depreciation expenses, taxes, working capital, and investments. FCFF is a measurement of a company's profitability after all expenses and reinvestments...
Free cash flow to equity holders, for example, is calculated differently than cash flow to stakeholders, which is different from a simple summation of the various cash flows on the cash flow statement. 例如,股权持有者自由现金流量的计算方式与股东现金流的计算方式不同,后者并不仅仅是将现金流量表中...
Because interest expense is classified as an operating activity under US GAAP the accounting number for cash flow from operations taken from a cash flow statement must be adjusted when computing the FCFF.That is, Interest Expense net of tax should be added back.IFRS may or may not require this...
An important concept in the cash flow statement is free cash flow which is a criterion for measuring the firms` performances. There are two approaches about the free cash flows. Free cash flows of firms (FCFF) and free cash flows of equity (FCFE). In this study, we mean to investigate ...
企业自由现金流(Free cash flow to the firm, FCFF)是指在支付所有营业费用(包括税收)以及对营运资金(如存货)和固定资本(如设备)进行必要投资之后,公司的资本供应商所能获得的现金流。FCFF是营运现金流减去资本支出。一家公司的资本提供者包括普通股股东、债券持有人,有时还包括优先股股东。分析者用来计算FCFF的方...
2) free cash flow 自由现金流 1. The Effects of Free Cash Flow on the Returns of Bidders; 自由现金流量对公司并购收益的影响 2. Among all kinds of data and information offered by financial statement,FCF(free cash flow)is gradually being a regular and important index in the system of statemen...
Operating Cash Flow is great because it’s easy to grab from the cash flow statement and represents a true picture of cash flow during the period. The downside is that it contains “noise” from short-term movements in working capital that can distort it. ...