disagreeing, suggesting, speculating, reaching a decision through negotiating 4 Discussion with interlocutor on Expressing and justifying 4 minutes topics related to the Part 3 task opinions, agreeing and/or disagreeing Maria’s long turn Watch Maria’s long turn in Part 2 of the Speaking test. ...
The Cambridge First speaking test takes 14 minutes. You do the test with another candidate. Candidates are expected to be able to respond to questions and to interact in conversational English. Part 1 A conversation between the examiner and each candidate (spoken questions). Part 2 An individual...
Speaking for a minute (in part 2) and being able to interact and give extended answers (in part 3) is the kind of thing that you want to be able to do at work or in your social life. You’ll want to tell stories, give your opinions on a variety of topics, and be able to hol...
FCE Speaking Exam Part 1 – Interview Questions In the first part of the exam the interviewer will ask you and your partner several questions about everyday topics. Here is a list of questions arranged by topic: Area where you live or used to live 1.Is there anything you would like to ...
IELTS Part 2 Topics SPEAKINGIELTS PART 2 TOPICS Describe something you do that is good for your health that you would recommend to others. Describe something new you have bought recently but have not used. Describe an artistic person(actor, painter) you know about. Describe a park or a ...
It can be very useful for anyone who wants to study abroad, work in an English-speaking country or improve their skills. This certification, also known as B2 First, is very prestigious and assesses you in several skills. In this article, we will talk about major topics such as: The ...
Part 2 A monologue or text involving interacting speakers, with a sentence completion task which has 10 questions. Part 3 Five short related monologues, with five multiple-match- ing questions. Part 4 A monologue or text involving interacting speakers, with seven multiple-choice questions.SPEAKING ...
Speaking Part 4 FCE口语Part4也是以对话形式展开的,内容与part 3的内容相关,主要让学生谈论自己的观点。考试形式采用考官问学生,要求学生逐一回答,或者要求学生两人或三人一起讨论其中一问题。如果是两名学生,时长则在4分钟左右。如果是三名学生,时长则在6分钟左...
First certificate in english / FCE / B2 First. A brief information about the B2 First exam and Exam format, Preparation, Result, Reading and Use of English, Writing, Listening and Speaking etc. Why B2 First? Key facts, local exam centre, paper based exam