Plain-English Study Guide for the FCC Amateur Radio Technician Class LicenseRichard Clem
Will Five by Five prepare me for the GROL license that I need to be an avionics technician? It sure does. Having a GROL is an easy and useful add-on for any aviation mechanic. With a bit of study, in our experience and in the experience of many of our users, you could be ready...
Will Five by Five prepare me for the GROL license that I need to be an avionics technician? It sure does. Having a GROL is an easy and useful add-on for any aviation mechanic. With a bit of study, in our experience and in the experience of many of our users, you could be ready...
• Consult a dealer or experienced radio/television technician for help. The user may find the following booklet prepared by the FCC useful: "How to Identify and Resolve Radio/Television Interference Problems". This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C....
技术人员technician 厂长director 车间主任workshop director 工段长chief of section 坑长(矿厂)chief of pit 工段长foreman 总工程师chief engineer 助理工程师assistant engineer 见习工程师student engineer 技工engineering working 熟练工人skilled worker 老工人veteran worker 徒工apprentice 试用工人person on probation...