本设备经过型式试验,符合 FCC 规则第 15 部分 J 子部分的规格对计算设备的 B 类辐射限制,该限制用 于在商业环境中操作时对此类干扰提供合理保护。 codonics.com This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. exfo.com 该设备符合 FCC 规则第 15 部分。 exfo.com NOTE: This equipment has ...
通过FCC Part 15认证的设备需要在产品上标明符合FCC Part 15的标志。通常是类似以下的声明: Class A devices: “This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must ...
1The following Part 15 regulations contain all updates and changes adopted and released by the Commission as of April 5, 2005. However, changes to the rules do not become effective until at least 30 days after they are published in the Federal Register. It is possible that recent changes to...
1The following Part 15 regulations contain all updates and changes adopted and released by the Commission as of April 5, 2005. However, changes to the rules do not become effective until at least 30 days after they are published in the Federal Register. It is possible that recent changes to...
FCC 第 15 部分(FCC Part 15)主要规范能够发射射频能量的电子和电气设备,这些设备可能会对在 9 kHz 至 3000 GHz 的射频范围内运行的设备造成干扰。任何 CPU 时钟速度大于或等于每秒 9,000 个周期 (9 kHz) 的电子设备(包括面向消费市场的大多数电子电气产品,无论它们是否发射无线电波)都必须遵循 FCC(联邦通信...
FCC_Part_95_标准 热度: FCC PART 15 热度: FCC part 15 热度: 1 ThefollowingPart15regulationscontainallupdatesandchangesadoptedandreleasedbythe CommissionasofAugust14,2006.However,changestotherulesdonotbecomeeffectiveuntil atleast30daysaftertheyarepublishedintheFederalRegister.Itispossiblethatrecentchanges ...
FCC认证基础法律来源:是美国《通信法》(Communications Act)和《联邦规则》(Federal Rules)。通信法授权联邦通信委员会(FCC)监管通信和无线电设备的监管职责。FCC根据通信法制定的具体规则,其中包括了FCC认证的要求和程序。一,FCC认证法律和其他相关标准 1. 美国《通信法》(Communications Act):是一部联邦法律...
文件前言本设备符合fcc规则第15部分操作需满足以下两个条件.pdf,Preface This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the followin o conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept
解析 该装备符合FCC的第十五部分规定.(FCC美国联邦通信委员会) 分析总结。 该装备符合fcc的第十五部分规定结果一 题目 this device complies with part15 of the fcc rules 答案 该装备符合FCC的第十五部分规定.(FCC美国联邦通信委员会)相关推荐 1this device complies with part15 of the fcc rules ...
1、Location 位置:在贴了标签的实物上照相或者在设计图上画出标签的位置(标 签的位置要求体现在产品出售时可见的地方,但不能在产品的转角或缝隙处,也不能在产品容易拆卸的地方(如电池盖上))Trade name model number This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.2、标签不应使用即贴型的纸质标签...