In its interim report on the development of a national broadband plan, the FCC's Omnibus Broadband Initiative team emphasized the importance of deciding which online applications should be accessible by all Americans in determining the broadband speeds that should be available and how much it will ...
“We welcome SamKnows as the newest applications developer to use NETGEAR Open Source Linux Routers to provide accurate and timely results to the FCC,” said Patrick Lo, Chairman & CEO of NETGEAR. “As a US-based networking company, NETGEAR commends the FCC on its Broadband Initiative.” Ale...
Federal Communications Commission to promote the deployment of high-speed broadband services. Goal of the review; Telecommunication industry groups lobbying policymakers to help speed deployment of a broadband network infrastructure; Congressional initiative on broadband services....
During its first pilot, the Georgia Broadband Deployment Initiative program aimed to develop a statewide master address file by working with local governments. But officials quickly found "that would take a very long time to develop," said Perry, the program's director. Instead, it...
数据限额的做法尤其会影响“美国宽带计划”(National Broadband Plan)多个目标的实现。奥巴马政府在2010年颁布了美国宽带计划,提出了多个目标以确保有线和无线宽带连接得到最为广泛的应用。 Public Knowledge和开放科技组织表示,某些移动运营商不是利用数据限额实现合理化业务拓展,在不增加巨额开支的情况下对服务进行升级,而...
, one of the partners in the state’s broadband initiative. nearly two-thirds of nebraska’s districts have fewer than 500 students, and more than a third of the rural students have no broadband access at home, compared with just 9 percent of urban students, according to a recent state ...
Permitting reform has gone nowhere, “and the Biden administration is preparing to waste additional taxpayer dollars through its multibillion-dollar “Internet for All” initiative by pursuing extraneous political goals at the expense of connecting Americans,” Carr complained. ...
"I think Tom is one of those guys who knows that when you're representing a client, you represent their interests," said Blair Levin, the former chief of staff for Hundt and author of the 2010 National Broadband Report. "Now his client is the US consumer." ...
spectrum auctions and two rural broadband reverse auctions, opening the 1,245MHz mid-band spectrum for unlicensed use, adopting more than 25 orders through the Modernization of Media Regulation Initiative, and the designation of 98 as the three-digit number for the National Suicide Prevention Life...
This was quickly attacked by the NAB. A May 25, 2021blog post by NAB deputy general counsel Patrick McFaddenblasted Microsoft's efforts to get the FCC to revise a January ruling, calling Microsoft's Airband Initiative "hot air" and a heavily hyped solution to the rural broadband ...