既然国内这么看重解决信号覆盖问题,为什么没有一个可以最真实反应各个地区信号覆盖程度的基于众包的调查服务呢?完全可以内置到各个运营商的APP里或者直接内…显示全部 关注者2 被浏览9 关注问题写回答 邀请回答 好问题 添加评论 分享 ...
“Consumers deserve to know where they have mobile coverage and at what speeds and the FCC wants to include their experiences in our effort to create a more precise map of available coverage,” the regulator’s chair Jessica Rosenworcel stated. Some of the new features include a repeat test...
Georgia, Maine, Pennsylvania and others took mapping into their own hands, building their own granular data to pinpoint gaps in internet coverage and apply for federal funding.
In August, the agencyreleased a mobile LTE broadband and voice coverage map. It includes a snapshot of the type of precise mobile broadband availability data, based on new standardized parameters, that the FCC will collect through itsBroadband Data Collection program. A spokeswoma...
coverage map, which shows that over 14 million homes and businesses lack mobile 5G coverage, the Commission seeks comment on how to define the areas that will be eligible for support in the 5G Fund Phase I auction and proposes to modify the metric used to accept bids and identify winning ...
coverage in rural areas. FCC Chairman Ajit Pai did not explain in the announcement how the 4G funding will roll over into the new plan, but he did make one point clear:The coverage maps provided to the FCC by nationwide carriers like Verizon, T-Mobile and U.S. Cellular are not accurate...
"scripts": { + "analyze": "source-map-explorer build/static/js/main.*", "start": "react-scripts start", "build": "react-scripts build", "test": "react-scripts test --env=jsdom", Then to analyze the bundle run the production build then run the analyze script. npm run build npm...
Demographic Info MapmyIndia Updates Maps With House Numbers For 18 Cities TomTom Expands Map Coverage To 5548 Indian Cities & Towns; Lane Guidance For 3200 Intersections MapmyIndia Targets Govt & Defence With Emergency Response Solution Mappls SafeWorld Digest: MapMyIndia, TaxiForSure, Amar Ujala...
That's all led to a gap in internet coverage known as the digital divide. The issue has become a priority for the FCC, which is now collecting citizen data to make a new, more accurate map. “To close the gap between digital haves and have nots, we are working to build a comprehensi...
government agencies and medical experts submitted written requests to the FCC, demanding an update for federal regulations regarding public exposure to both cell tower and cell phone radiation. In 2016, experts wrote to the FCC with evidence that 75% of the mobile phones on the market exceed FCC...