In 2023, the fee was $35. Once issued, it is a lifetime license that never expires. The application form isFCC Form 605. While you can download the form online, to apply for the license you should use the FCC’s online ULS (Universal Licensing System). Once you have submitted the fo...
Federal Communication Commission's (FCC) solicitation of comments on a proposed regulatory fee; Nomination of communication of attorney Susan Ness for a vacant seat in the FCC; Safe harbour rule case; FCC's waiving of its one-to-a market cross-ownership rule in two cases; More.Holland...
4. Variation fees(These fees are in Schedule 9, TherapeuticGoods Regulations 1990. For guidance on variations go to Varyingentries in the ARTG - medical devices and IVDs.) 5. Miscellaneous IVD注册收费标准(澳元) 2. Notification fee(Laboratories that manufacture Class 1, Class2 or Class 3 in-...
How do I get an FCC License? Foresty Communications Conservation Association Forestry Conservation Communications Association. Frequency Coordination Fee Schedule. Submit Frequency Coordination Request. National Association of ...
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专利费license fee 专利权税royalty 变动专利权税running royalty 专有技术费know-how fee 基础设计费basic engineering fee 代理费agent fee 手续费commission 不可预见费contingency 外汇风险exchange risk 易货补偿compensation 直接费用direct cost 间接费用indirect cost 项目管理费project expense 现场管理费field expense...
and charge a fee for, acceptance of support, warranty, indemnity, or other liability obligations and/or rights consistent with this License. However, in accepting such obligations, You may act only on Your own behalf and on Your sole responsibility, not on behalf ...
License fee(知识产权)许可费 Like product同类产品 Limited tendering(政府采购)有限招标 Local content requirement当地含量要求 Local equity requirement当地股份要求 M Mad-cow disease疯牛病 Maintenance of intellectual property rights知识产权的维护 Maritime transport services海运服务 Market access市场准入 Market boar...
“Can I see your license and registration, please, Miss ?” I gave them to him. He took them and went back to his car for a while. When he returned, he asked if I had been drinking . “No,” I said. He asked me to step out of my car. “Walk heel to toe down the white ...
Work Schedule Standard (Mon-Fri) Environmental Conditions Office Job Description Position...更多…… 战略客户经理 MSD 深圳市 全职 Job Description POSITION OVERVIEW 职位概览 战略大客户经理主要负责与大客户合作开发业务解决方案,通过整合产品线、服务和解决方案,达到一流的客户满意度,从而推动盈...更多…… ...