The FCC’s RationaleIn 2007, the FCC clarified that IP CTS providers could seek reimbursement from the TRS fund, which had previously only funded traditional TTY text relay services. At that time, the FCC determined that the funding would come from fees assessed only on interstate revenues, but...
I felt like my end result was undesirable. I ended up in the hospital and induced really early but felt as if some of the providers believed my issues were real, while others treated me as if I were making up the issue. After my baby was born, I felt alone and uncared for by the...
+ +ns1:CredentialTransmissionScoping a ns1:CredentialHardening, + owl:Class, + owl:NamedIndividual ; + rdfs:label "Credential Transmission Scoping" ; + ns1:d3fend-id "D3-CTS" ; + ns1:definition "Limiting the transmission of a credential to a scoped set of relying parties." ; + ns1:kb...