While high-speed Internet is becoming more and more common, household with really slow Internet are still out there, making do with whatever they have. The good part? While the FCC kept considering these really slow connections as "still broadband," that definition is changing now. The Federal...
However, there is a widely acknowledged flaw with Form 477 reporting: if an ISP offers service to at least one household in acensus block, then the FCC counts the entire census block as covered by that provider. BroadbandNow Research examined the magnitude of this flaw by manually checkinginte...
You can find your internet plans’ broadband facts labels starting this week. It gives a rundown of all the information on internet plans, including performance, costs and discounts. Photo: MarketWatch photo illustration/iStockphoto One of the most ...
What Georgia ultimately found was 507,000 locations, or 10% of the state's homes and businesses, lack access to broadband. In rural areas, it's even worse with about 30% of locations unserved. The FCC, in its January report, said only 6.2% of Georgia locations didn't hav...
In a recent economic analysis of USF, Scott Wallsten and Thomas Hazlett state that "assuming the best for [the USF subsidies], the cost per extra (voice) connected household exceeds $100,000."The program has ballooned from $2.3 billion in 1998, when it started, to over $8 billion in ...
Assumption 13)There is no concern for environmental effects of RF radiation or for effects on wildlife or household pets. While background levels of RF-EMF are increasing in the environment, including rural remote areas [189], neither the FCC nor the ICNIRP take into consideration effects of th...
Assumption 13)There is no concern for environmental effects of RF radiation or for effects on wildlife or household pets. While background levels of RF-EMF are increasing in the environment, including rural remote areas [189], neither the FCC nor the ICNIRP take into consideration effects of th...
your broadband router. If you wish to use a LAN set up within the house or remote office, you do so at your own risk. For troubleshooting purposes, we will ask you to plug your IP phone directly into the broadband router. You should only install your IP phone in normal household ...
Engineered for the well-connected household, the Linksys AC1200 Smart Wi-Fi Router brings next-generation wireless speed to all your devices. Featuring USB 2.0 and four Fast Ethernet ports along with the latest Wireless-AC technology, the AC1200 provides fast, reliable speeds for bandwidth-hungry...
63.Thoughtechnicallyquiteadvancedtoday, theInternetisfarfrombeingpopularwithaveragehouseholdusersin somedevelopingcountries. A)尽管互联网技术现在已经很先进,但在一些发展中国家还未受 到家庭用户的广泛青睐。 B)很先进,但在一些发展中国家还远远没有普及到一般家庭。 C)尽管今天科学技术已经很先进,但在...