Click Try it, and select which exam you're studying for. If you don't yet have a ham license, you need to start with the Technician exam.How do I get to the questions?Press the Study button.How do I answer the questions?If you think you know the answer to the question, click ...
Instead of just writing "GROL" on your resume, mention that you passed with a perfect score. Why stop with the GROL? A higher-class license on your resume never hurts! FccTestOnline™ makes studying for the FCC Commercial exams easy and fun!
required by the FCC. All three license classes, Technician, General and Extra, can be attained by written exams alone and have their HF privileges.The frequencies available to each class of license have not changed.In short -YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW MORSE CODE FOR ANY HAM RADIO LICENSE. ...
required by the FCC. All three license classes, Technician, General and Extra, can be attained by written exams alone and have their HF privileges.The frequencies available to each class of license have not changed.In short -YOU DO NOT NEED TO KNOW MORSE CODE FOR ANY HAM RADIO LICENSE. ...
FCC License Definitions The FCC is the government regulator for broadcasting over the airwaves. You might know them as the folks who regulate radio and television stations, HAM or amateur radio enthusiasts, or cell phone companies. The licensing we are discussing here is a very small part of wh...
“At this time no one knows what the FCC will do with this license application and two other similar applications. What is clear is that the applicants want to get on the air ASAP before any possible changes that may affect the HF broadcasting service.” ...
To use the FCC Online Systems, you first need to register with the FCC. Apply for a new license, renew, modify, assign authorization, transfer control, manage licenses and applications, associate call sign(s) and more. Modify licenses to narrowband emissions on frequencies that only have ...
Yes! The software is a purchase, not a license. Buy it once, and use it for life! Yes! All charts and figures that you'll need to reference are included. Yes! There is a built-in update to help you ensure that you have the latest questions (don't trust the many out of date te...
FCC Cancels W6WBJ License « on: May 20, 2020, 2322 UTC » The long FCC process in the non-renewal for cause of William Crowell's ham ticket seemingly is over with the cancellation of his license on 5-5-20. Crowell devoted considerable resources voicing his displeasure (the FCC ...
Apple recently applied for an experimental license to use new wireless technology called “millimeter wave.” The FCC approved Apple’s permit today and revealed some details about the project by making the company’s application public. Continue reading ...