with the exception that endorsement examinations do not require the filing of the Form 159 or any fees. Also, Restricted Radiotelephone Operator permits have no proof of passing certificate requirement. Use the FCC Form 605 and the FCC Form 159 to renew your license or to replace a lost, sto...
with the exception that endorsement examinations do not require the filing of the Form 159 or any fees. Also, Restricted Radiotelephone Operator permits have no proof of passing certificate requirement. Use the FCC Form 605 and the FCC Form 159 to renew your license or to replace a lost, sto...
Magalie Roman Salas
However, if P4P services are classified as a form of online advertising in the future, we would be obligated to examine the content of our P4P customers' listings on our websites, as required by PRC advertising laws, and such examination could be very burdensome. Moreover, we have been ...
the customer shall provide the Customs Declaration Form signed and sealed by the customs office or the foreign currency cash withdrawal slip from the original deposit bank for foreign currency cash deposits, and provide the Certificate for F...
A method for automatically filling a form in a data network including an application server, a client and a user of the client. The method includes attaching a script to a page transmitted from the application server. The modified page is sent to the client and interpreted by a browser runni...
159 (fee processing form) along with the appropriate Proof of Passing Certificates (for the requisite written and/or telegraphy examination elements) to apply for any commercial operator license, with the exception that endorsement examinations do not require the filing of the Form 159 or any fees...
FCC Suspends the Use of the New FCC Form 323 and Postpones the January 11, 2010 Deadline for Filing Biennial Ownership Reports by Commercial Broadcast LicenseesChristine A. Reilly
USAC Extends Filing Deadline for FCC Form 499-AAdam D. Bowser