In order to avoid this, consider how your bank or credit card company usually contacts you and check directly with your bank or credit card company using a trusted customer service number to verify the request or offer. You may also like:States where food stamps are used the most #18. Deb...
complaints seriously as this is the agency's main source of awareness that an entity is violating its rules or federal laws. A business that's running a text marketing campaign is operating within the rules and keeping track of permissions for each phone number can still be subject to FCC ...
Details the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC) new rules on customer service standards for cable systems. Issues discussed, including length of time for installations and repairs, number of times the...
taking advantage of those struggling with illness,”she said in the article. “There’s no reason to think the mobile phone industry will be different. Shrinking the number of national providers from four to three will hurt consumers, harm competition, and eliminate...
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In order to avoid this, consider how your bank or credit card company usually contacts you and check directly with your bank or credit card company using a trusted customer service number to verify the request or offer. You may also like:States where food stamps are used the most ...
Because T-Mobile is a Title II mobile phone provider, this automatically raises the question of whether T-Mobile violated the FCC�s Customer Proprietary Network Information (CPNI) rules. These rules govern, among other things, the obligation of telecommunications service providers to protect CPNI ...
Essentially, Title II was created to ensure that no customer would ever be denied the service they requested, so long as they are willing to pay for it. In other words, if you pay for unlimited 4G LTE data, your carrier can’t throttle your data speeds after you’ve used 5GB. To mos...
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the market has evolved into one that isheavily controlled by carriers. They dictate which phones are used on their networks, what content users can access, and which applications can run on phones. Some have even included specific terms in their service contracts that prevent customers from downlo...