On the close-packed (111) plane of the fcc lattice, two different types of positions at which atoms are bound can be distinguished: bulk (fcc) and surface (hcp) sites. Although the detailed atomic arrangement of the fcc (111) plane is not resolved in the field ion microscope, the ...
Step-induced magnetic anisotropy in Co/stepped Cu(001) as a function of step density and Cu step decoration The step-induced in-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy of fcc Co/stepped Cu(001) was investigated using a curved substrate to provide a continuous range of... RK Kawakami,MO Bowen,HJ...
Sketch the atomic packing of the following: a. The (100) plane for the FCC crystal structure b. The (111) plane for the BCC crystal structure Packing of atoms in the unit cell. Atoms have a different arrangement in the element...
The adsorption energy of many atomic adsorbates such as O and S on the (111) surfaces of late transition metal surfaces is dependent on the coverage and detailed configuration of the adsorbed oxygen atoms. We have used density functional theory to calculate the adsorption energy of atomic adsorbat...
By applying mechanical shear stresses parallel to interface plane or inserting additional atoms in the nodes, we observed the change in the node structure, and accounted for the change based on the creation and reaction of dislocations. Accompanying the atomic rearrangements at the nodes, we also ...
We have employed the improved Peierls–Nabarro (P–N) equation to study the properties of 1/2110 edge dislocation in the {111} plane in face-centered cubic (FCC) metals Al, Cu, Ir, Pd and Pt. The generalized-stacking-fault energy surface entering the equation is calculated by using first...
Fig.2bshowstheatomicarrangementof{110}planesinaBCCstructurewhicharethe planesofhighest atomic density. There are 6 planes of this type, and each contains two close packed directions. Consideration of fig. 1b and 2b shows the closed packed direction ...
Here, we introduce three component crystals with different lattice constants, namely Ni, Al, and Ni3Al, to build three bimetal systems of Ni(111)/(111)Ni3Al, Ni3Al(111)/(111)Al, and Ni(111)/(111)Al. These three bimetal systems possess different density of interfacial dislocations due to...
b 5 0, therefore, there is no density variation in the system. For the case of two stacking faults intersect- ing with each other, the distortion tensor is b 5 b1 1 b2 (I 1 b1), where b1 and b2 are the distortion tensors of the two stacking faults, respectively. Therefore, the ...
(g–j) DDD simulations for Ni micropillars deforming under intense dislocation interactions (sc≈ 1b;Lc≈ 0.5 μm). (g) shows stress drops and dislocation density evolutions within a small strain increment. A specific avalanche, marked in grey in (i), bifurcates into two active {111} ...