1.Get Started:Find out your FRN To renew your license, there are two separate parts of the FCC website that you need to navigate, and you will need to create accounts in both.To get started, you will go to the ULS (Universal Licensing System) to look up your FRN (FCCRegistrationNumbe...
Amateur ("Ham Radio") Exams and Licensing Technician, General, and Amateur Extra Classes The amateur and amateur-satellite services are for qualified persons of any age who are interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest. These services present an opportun...
Amateur ("Ham Radio") Exams and Licensing Technician, General, and Amateur Extra Classes The amateur and amateur-satellite services are for qualified persons of any age who are interested in radio technique solely with a personal aim and without pecuniary interest. These services present an opportun...
This information is current as of March 2018 but could change at any time. Reference Information: FCC “Paperless” Amateur Radio License Policy Now in Effect by FCC February 2015 How to get a ULS Password by FCC New Users Guide to Getting Started With Universal Licensing System (ULS) by FC...
FCC: Wireless Services: Amateur Radio Service: Amateur Licensing: VECs http://wireless.fcc.gov/services/amateur/licensing/vecs.html Wireless Rules and Regulations (Title 47). Volunteer Examiner Coordinators (VECs). VECs coordinate the efforts of Volunteer Examiners. VEs) in preparing and administering...
Log in Entries feed Comments feed WordPress.org FCCSales.com is maintained byGoodStuffSales.comto help Amateur Radio Enthusiasts find equipment and also provide licensing renewal directions. I just went through that process and some help is always appreciated. We aren’t selling any of our stuff...
Step-by-step walk-through for navigating the FCC website when creating or renewing an FCC Amateur radio license. Also helpful for creating or renewing a GMRS license.
The FCC is the government regulator for broadcasting over the airwaves. You might know them as the folks who regulate radio and television stations, HAM or amateur radio enthusiasts, or cell phone companies. The licensing we are discussing here is a very small part of what a large government ...
Among the provisions of the Act were requirements for licensing all radio stations and operators and the first legal recognition of amateur radio. "Private" radio operators, however, were limited to operating at wavelengths below 200 meters, considered at the time to be a radio wasteland. ...
Communications Act of 1934, as amended, unless otherwise exempted from the licensing requirements elsewhere in this Chapter. (c) Unless specifically exempted, the operation or marketing of an intentional or unintentional radiator that is not in compliance with the administrative and technical provisions...