the seller is prima facie responsible for the costof getting thegoods over ship's rail. He is not responsible for any further expenses,such as the expenses of stowing the goods oncethey are on board unless the contract is on FOB and s...
DDP: The cost of DDP includes handling fees, duties, taxes and other charges. FCA’s fees include all duties, taxes and other charges. Different delivery DDP: When DDP is delivered, the seller must hand over the goods that have not been unloaded on the delivery vehicle to the buyer or...
(transportation and terminal charges). irrespective of where the named place is, the seller is still responsible for all export and documentation tasks. there's one exception, which is relevant only for letter of credit payments: the buyer can now instruct the carrier to add the word "aboard...
(3)、FOB(Free on Board)装运港船上交货 (4)、CFR(Cost and Freight)成本加运费 (5)、CIF(Cost,Insurance and Freight)成本、保险费加运费 (6)、CPT(Carriage Paid To)运费付至目的地 (7)、CIP(Carriage and Insurance Paid To)运费、保险费付至目的地 (8)、DAF(Delivered AtFrontier)边境交货 (9)、D...
CIF:Cost Insurance and Freight 成本加保险费运费 适用于海运及内河运输。FCA,FOB下:卖方必须按照买方的指示交运货物,因是买方订立运输合同和指定承运人的,其风险划分点与费用划分点互相重合; CPT,CIP,CFR,CIF下:卖方必须按通常条件下自费订立运输合同;在CIF,CIP术语下,卖方还必须办理保险,并支付保险费,合同属于装...
关于集装箱出口货尽量采用FCA(货交承运人)条款取代FOB 条款的建议 Consigner's Viewpoint 货主视线 24 中国经贸 FCA(货交承运人)价格术语是Incoterms2000引进的新术语,至今已有17个年头,但目前我国集装箱货出口商使用此条款的极少,仍然是习惯使用FOB价格条款。《2010年国际贸易术语...
Import Duties and TaxesThe buyer is responsible to pay for applicable import duties, taxes, and import formalities at the country of destination. These charges vary by country. Buyers must budget for these costs as part of their landed cost. Insurance CostsThe buyer determines whether to purchase...
Unload the cargo if the goods are sent by the seller to a named location, other than the seller’s premises. Pay the cost of pre-shipment checks. Pay the post-carriage shipping. Package and ready the order for shipping to the buyer. Pay for the shipping insurance. Manage export license...
Even in these instances, however, under FCA, carriage is at the buyer’s risk and cost.While the rule states that the contract for carriage is to be “on the usual terms”, it is most likely that the two parties will agree in their contract precisely what those terms are....