在筹备文件中明确写道“前述修改的目的即在于赋予条款尽可能广泛的意义,来适用1年的诉讼时效限制”(‘The object of the aforesaid amendment is to give the text a bearing as wide as possible, so as to embody within the sc...
as gun-related issues have become increasingly prominent, pro-gun and pro-control advocates have engaged in heated debates on the interpretation of the second amendment. Organizations that support gun rights claim that individual rights should not be ...
Software Worlds and the First Amendment: Virtual Doorkeepers in Cyberspace "[B] efore the Law," wrote Franz Kafka," stands a doorkeeper." 2 Thus begins the famous parable in The Trial, 3 in which a" man from the country" 4 seeks justice and approaches the law, only to find a doorkeep...
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12883351/Colorado-Supreme-Court-rules-Trump-DISQUALIFIED-president.html https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2023/12/19/trump-kicked-off-colorados-2024-ballot-under-14th-amen...