The main products are graphite balls, graphite powder, graphite particles, and graphite sand, which are divided into 65, 70, 75, 78, 80, 83, 85, 88 grades in total, graphite powder, fineness is divided into 45, 75, 150um (equivalent to 325 mesh, ...
The fineness of graphite powder is divided into 45, 75, and 150 μ m (equivalent to 325 mesh, 200 mesh, and 100 mesh, respectively). Product Parameters Amorphous Graphite China Standard- Best-Selling in Marketing Fixed Carbon Violate Matters Moisture Pass Rate Suggest...
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(3)建立了基于CONSTRAINED_SPR3_IWM约束模型的自冲铆接头等效简化模型(Equivalent simplified model of self-piercing riveting joint,简称SPR-ESM),并验证了等效简化模型在不同载荷工况下模拟精度,实现了钢铝混合自冲铆接头在多工况下的高效数值表征。对比分析了CONSTRAINED_SPR3...
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