頂点単位の法線の分割(Split per-vertex Normals) エッジの連続性に基づいてジオメトリの頂点法線を分割するには、このオプションを有効にします。 頂点法線は、ポリゴンの面の間の滑らかさを決定します。 Maya でのスムーズ シェーディング モードによるポリゴンのレンダリング結果に反映され...
Exporting with the Split per-vertex Normals option activated produces the following result in MotionBuilder: Note: Using this option alters UV maps applied to geometry permanently. The UVs are then properly reassigned to the newly split geometry. When you import this geometry into an empty...
This option splits per-vertex Normals and should be used only in specific workflows where you want to ensure visual fidelity of surface continuity in applications that do not support Smoothing Group conversion. This option is active by default. Add root. Activate this option to add a root ...
This option splits per-vertex Normals and should be used only in specific workflows where you want to ensure visual fidelity of surface continuity in applications that do not support Smoothing Group conversion. This option is active by default. Add root. Activate this option to add a root ...
2)或者把下方的Blend Shape Normals属性设置为Calculate,Unity使用相同的逻辑来计算网格和混合形状 3.如果需要混合形状上的切线,则应将 Tangents 导入设置设为 Calculate Import Visibility: 开启后可以从FBX文件中读取可见性属性。 比如模型动作里 有些动作是要隐藏模型形象的,开启后才会生效。
enumESplitObject{eBY_NORMAL} Object of interest when spliting.More... typedef KArrayTemplate <KDuplicateVertex>KArrayOfDuplicateVertex Object of interest when spliting. voidReset() Reset the mesh to default values. voidComputeVertexNormals(bool pCW=false) ...
Use T0As Ref Pose If enabled, the first frame (frame 0) of the animation track will be used to replace the Skeletal Mesh's reference pose. Preserve Smoothing Group If enabled, triangles with non-matching smoothing groups will be physically split, duplicating shared vertices. Import Meshes in ...
NTSC_4Xnd and FbxTCGetMNTSC_4Xnd helper functions have been added to deal with this new ~119.88 frame rate. * The class FbxAxysSystem has been extended and provides the new function "DeepConvertScene" that modifies transforms, vertex positions, animation curves and so on throughout the ...
tangents for each polygon instead of each mesh when calling FbxGeometryConverter::SplitMeshPerMaterial. * Fixed an issue with ConvertPivotAnimation when processing multiple takes. * Fixed a crash with ReadUserElementData that was referencing invalid ...
before and after the call to SplitMeshPerMaterial, you should see a difference in the number: there will be the old mesh, plus one new mesh (node attribute) for each material. It will work only on mesh that have material mapped “per-face” (Mapping Mode is KFbxLayerElement::eBY_POLYG...