Convert FBX files quickly and easily to STP files, online and completely free. But the converter can do even more: STL files for 3D printing, OBJ files for computer animations or CAD are no problem for it.
Desktop app to view, explore and convert 3D CAD data across 30+ file formats Learn more CAD Exchanger SDK 3D CAD software libraries for C#, C++, Java, JavaScript and Python Learn more FBX The FBX format, also known as FilmBox, is a flexible file format that finds extensive use in the ...
How to convert FBX files? Use CAD Exchanger software to read and write fbx or enable your 3D CAD application to process it.
Convert 3d model (STL/IGES/STEP/OBJ/FBX) to gltf and compression 暂无标签 Python 等3 种语言 Apache-2.0 发行版 暂无发行版 3d-model-convert-to-gltf 开源评估指数 生产力 创新力 稳健性 协作 贡献者 软件 贡献者 (3) 全部 近期动态 2年前创建了任务 #I6H31N 博主,stp转glb丢失颜色...
C4D导出stp在SolidWorks打不开 共1条回答 > 秋月: SolidWorks的许可服务没有运行导致的。1、打开你的Solidworks软件,找到“选项”这个按钮,点击进去、2、找到“默认模板”选项,分别为零件、装配体、工程图选择默认模,记住,每一个都要选择一遍,即使已经存在了也需要重新选择、选择完之后点击确定、3、选择总是使用这...
Add obj format to darco gltf Related API implementation(not so useful, droped) docker image packaging write easy to use online convert preview [bug] stp convert to gltf is too large [bug] stl convert to gltf missing node (result: stl format have no node information,https://en...
印迹空间-郑舜杰: 将待导出的几何体选中点击右键---ConverttoEditablePoly,选择所有的几何体,然后直接导出FBX,设置fbx格式,(根据你的maya版本选择fbx版本,可以看到,有三个物体被FBX插件强制转换成了三角面,导入到Maya,可以看到有三个模型确实是被转换成了三角面,另外两个保持四边面见下图。 从容邀请你来回答 赞...
FBX 转 PLY BINARY FBX 转 STEP FBX 转 STL BINARY FBX 转 STP FBX 转 USDZ FBX 转 X如何在线将您的 FBX 转换为 STL binary? 上传FBX 单击“上传文件”按钮并选择要上传的 FBX 文件。 下载您的 STL binary 转换完成后单击“下载”按钮,STL binary 文件即可保存至您的个人电脑。常见问题 如何将我的 FBX...
No, you can convert as many files as you wish. We do not impose any conversion limits on our FBX conversion tools. How long does it take to convert my FBX? We aim to process all FBX conversions as quickly as possible; this usually takes around 5 seconds; however, this can be longer...
Use our free and fast online tool to instantly convert your STP files to FBX files, ready for download.