FBL blood test as a predictive marker of breast cancer in high risk women[J] . Chaya Moroz,Angela Chetrit,Moshe Kahn,Baruch Modan.Medical Oncology . 1997 (1)Moroz Ch, Chetrit A, Kahn M, and Modan B (1997). FBL blood test as a predictive marker of breast cancer in high risk women....
L.Y. and P.Q. conceived and designed the study. L.Y. performed the experiments, data analysis and paper writing. Z.Z. performed mouse experiments and cord blood-related experiments. P.J. and Z.Y. analysed sequencing data. D.K. assisted L.Y. with the NSG mouse xenograft studies and ...
Consequently, adhesion between cancer cells is weakened [6,7] And tumor cells can easily fall off from the primary focus and spread to the blood stream, causing distant metastasis [8]. In addition, fibroblasts also regulate the infiltration, phenotype, and infiltration distribution of immune cells...
被洗织物上潜血痕迹发现方法的比较 Comparative study of methods for bloodstain testing on washed fabrics 苏芹1,王顺霞1,张玉婷2,张敏3 北京市公安局公安司法鉴定中心;北京市公安局西城分局刑侦支队;北京市公安局东城分局刑侦支队 【法宝引证码】CLI.A.1247708 北京市公安局西城分局刑侦支队北京市公安局东城分局刑侦...
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(YAO Huifang, XI Meiqi. Research on the difference and reasons of alcohol content, expiratory value and blood test value from suspected persons of drunk driving[J]. Journal of Hubei University of Police, 2017(5):68-73.) {28}张艳,石晓玲,赵志东,等.酒驾血醇清除率与人体年龄、体重、性别的相...
The Applicability of Rapid HIT 200 Apparatus for Forensic DNA Test 孙帅;张庆霞;薛卢艳;刘金杰;唐晖;刘力 山西医科大学法医学院;北京市公安司法鉴定中心 【法宝引证码】CLI.A.1245843 孙帅张庆霞薛卢艳刘金杰唐晖 STR基因座灵敏性适应性防污染重复性