I am not sure, but some of my war strategy buddies are estimating a high probability that Russia will leak all of the info they have to the world, since Clinton wants to go to war with them and they have no desire to be in conflict with the US. >>79483751 If we do not recomme...
it would be trivial to comply with, because all the company's VOIP calls flow through central servers. "We are able to copy the data stream and send it in tandem to another location," Schulz said. "You can essentially send it to the law enforcement agency you need to send it ...
Healwayswantstolooklikeabigshot. 好那在会面过程中他会让你留在附近吗 Okay,andduringthemeeting,hewouldhaveyounearby? 娜塔莉-我不 Natalie.-Mm-mm. 这是个陷阱 Thisisatrap. 我已经给你们提供了信息了 Ialreadygaveyouinformation. 你现在还要我 Nowyouretellingmethat 参与诱捕行动吗 Ihavetoparticipateinasting...
Theresnopointinspeculatinguntilweknow 这些都没有意义 hestheonepullingthestrings. 我去打个电hearts;话hearts;让我们和他本人谈谈 Illmakeacall.Letstalktothemanhimself. 科茨的助手希瑟·詹森… Coatessassistant,HeatherJansen-- 她男友来了 herboyfriendshere. 他要和FBI谈谈 WantstotalktotheFBI. 放开我 Getyo...
threat, which seems to have originated in the portland area, is no joke and the fbi wants your help matching writing samples to overly peppy persons of interest you may know or have stumbled across on the internet. the bureau is even offering a $5,000 reward. here are excerpts from two...
Well,heseemstoknowyou. 皮奥特克也坦白了 Piotrekspilled,too. 你要让他把你当替罪羊吗 Yougonnalethimthrowyouunderthebus? 他告诉你的不是全部真hearts;相hearts; Whateverhetoldyouisnotthefullstory. 我觉得波兰不会容忍hearts;一个非法移hearts;民hearts; Well,IdoubtPolandwantsanillegalimmigrant 在他们的国土...
"Her primary goal is to make sure she can come back to the United States when she wants to do that," said Nate Cardozo, a senior staff attorney at EFF. "And to have threats of subpoenas explained or go away." "Please call me" ...
我们得找温特斯的朋友聊聊 We need to talk to Winters' friend, 枪&hcarts;械&hcarts;店老板麦凯恩 the gun shop owner McCain. 枪♥支♥管理局不许我们插手 ATF wants us to stay away, 而目.没有搜查令连进去的权利都没有 and we don't have a warrant to ki 61、ck their door in. 给我十...
The FBI wants to know who Farook was communicating with and which websites he might have visited in the days leading up to the December 2 massacre. Access to computers and personal phones owned by Farook and his wife would help, but the couplesmashed their personal phonesand removed the ...
very real sense, Wray is violating this precept. There’s a good argument that, since Directors are appointed by law for a ten-year term, he should have held firm, demanding that Trump fire him to exact some modest cost for breaking the norm. Why he did not do that, I do not know...