The FBI’s Official Physical Fitness Test (PFT) is used to determine whether candidates have the stamina to work in the field. Not all applicants will need to complete a fitness test, but passing the assessment will be a condition of employment for special agent roles. The PFT has four fit...
The FBI Special Agent PFT Elements Max Sit ups 1 min. Trainee lies on back interlacing the fingers of both hands behind the head. The knees are placed at 45 degree angle with the feet and held in place or placed flat on the floor. Trainee raises upper body until back is perpendicular ...
000 slots. Making sure you meet the qualifying physical standards has never been easier. Sure, you have to still put in the work practicing the FBI Special Agent Physical Fitness Test (PFT,) but now former Navy SEAL and military, law enforcement, and fire fighter fitness writer has developed...