通过以后,你可以选择四种方式之一Contract Linguist(签约之特定语言学家) Contract Language Monitor(签约之特定语言监听员)Contract Tester(签约之语言测试人员)Special Agent Linguist(具语言专长之特殊探员)人质拯救部队(HRT) 这绝对是一大考验 而且应该相当困难(http://www.fbijobs.gov/116.asp) ...
James R. Fitzgerald – Retired FBI Supervisory Special Agent/Criminal Profiler/Forensic Linguist and Member of the Behavioral Analysis Unit It’s early April of 1996. I’m standing in the doorway of the Unabomber’s cabin in Lincoln, Montana. I’m about to walk inside. I’m an almost 9-...
asalinguistfortheDrugEnforcementAdministration. 南希·阿吉拉在执法部门开始了她的职业生涯,她原是缉毒局的语言学家。 AsanFBIspecialagent,sheworkedcounterterrorismoperations fromtheWashingtonfieldoffice, 作为一名联邦调查局特工,她在华盛顿外勤办公室负责反恐行动, ...
Multiple agents wrote in the report that the FBI currently cannot pay confidential informants during the shutdown, curbing narcotics and other investigations. One agent wrote that the bureau is "unable to do undercover" or confidential human source operations that require purchasin...
Dierk Torsek饰: Tech Agent Tim,1 episode, 1998, Laura Leigh Hughes饰: Day Care Woman,1 episode, 1997, 斯塔西·兰德尔饰: Pub Woman,1 episode, 1997, Dawn Hudson饰: FBI Linguist,1 episode, 1997, Claude Earl Jones饰: Bus Driver,1 episode, 1997, 茉莉 摩根饰: Purple Hair Girl,1 episode...
Dierk Torsek饰: Tech Agent Tim,1 episode, 1998, Laura Leigh Hughes饰: Day Care Woman,1 episode, 1997, 斯塔西·兰德尔饰: Pub Woman,1 episode, 1997, Dawn Hudson饰: FBI Linguist,1 episode, 1997, Claude Earl Jones饰: Bus Driver,1 episode, 1997, 茉莉 摩根饰: Purple Hair Girl,1 episode...
The work schedule of an FBI linguist can be unpredictable in some cases. An individual in this position could spend the majority of the work week in an office setting, preparing written transcripts or summaries of translated material. Some positions could entail field work that requires the indivi...