Just because a person is a woman doesn't mean they don't tend to be a criminal. Some of the most wanted criminals in the world are women, so it comes as no surprise that Texas has a list of women on the FBI's Most Wanted List. For many of these wanted women, their crimes are ...
For many of these wanted women, their crimes are kidnapping, fraud, murder, and even the infamous January 6th. One woman has been on the run for 35 years and is still wanted for murder.Wanted These are the five women from Texas who have earned a spot on the FBI's Most Wanted list....
A woman known as the "CryptoQueen" is the only female on the FBI's infamous 10 Most Wanted Fugitives list. Aside from "CryptoQueen," she may be using fake names by Dr. Ruja Ignatova, Ruja Plamenova Ignatova, and Ruja P. Ignatova. The Federal Bureau of Investigation's field office in ...
Kerkow is a white woman with brown hair and eyes. She is 115 pounds and stands 5 feet, 5 inches tall. Credit: FBI.gov 5. Donna Joan Borupiswanted, a member of the May 19th Communist Organization, is wanted for allegedly throwing acid into the face of a Port Authority Police Officer. ...
TempleRaston, Dina
When a man wanted for murder in New Jersey fled to Philadelphia is caught and is being turned over to Jersey cops when some men show up and kill the cops and take the prisoner. The team investigates, they learn the prisoner is suspected of killing an elderly woman, and he claims to be...
Hey,hesgotawomanwithhim. 那是谁 Whosthat? 她手里有东西 Shehassomethinginherhand. 行动走 Letshitit.Move. 联调局 FBI! 手举起来放在我能看到的地方 HandsintheairwhereIcanseethem. 立刻趴到地上 ·Onthegroundnow! 后面有人 Someonesinthebackl 谢里尔让我来开 Sheryll,letmedrive! 你在哪儿学的这么开...
tothepoorwomanatthebar. 给我待好别动 Justonthehood,man. 我去查卫生间外面的监控 Illcheckthesecuritycamsoutsidethatmensroom. 杀死波比的凶手 WhoeverkilledPoppy 一定是从那里拿走了门卡 musthavegrabbedthekeycardfromthere, 包裹你是从哪儿接的 Wheredyoupickupthepackage? 就在那儿皇后区的那个地址 Rightthere...
Season 2 | E4 | Anonymous The team searches for a young woman who is heading down a deadly path of vengeance, using ties to an online radical conspiracy organization to further her cause. Also, Barnes must make a life-changing decision, finding it hard to not let the dark side of her...
"All That Glitters"–After a young woman is killed on her way home from a lavish yacht party, the team investigates who she was and how she came to be at the event, which was attended by some of the most influential people in the world. Also, Maggie brings Crosby (Kellan Lutz,FBI:...