Newly released FBI presentations show the flawed and misleading information the government is using to train agents to identify and investigate “domestic terrorist” groups such as “black separatists,” anarchists, animal rights activists, and environmentalists. Among the more troubling portions of the...
Within its category of “domestic terrorists,” the FBI identifies several violent extremism movements, “including but not limited to animal rights and eco‑terrorists, and anti‑government or radical separatist groups.” There it is again, “anti-government” speech, just like in the widely c...
“On top of the so-called lone actor threat, we cannot and do not discount the possibility that Hamas, or another foreign terrorist organization, may exploit the current conflict to conduct attacks here on our own soil,” he continued. The FBI Director revealed ongoing investigations into indivi...
Tupac Shakur[102 Pages, 5.6MB] – Tupac Amaru Shakur (1971-1996) was an American rap music artist. This release consists of a 1997 investigation into allegations that extortionate death threats had been made against Shakur and another rap artist by a domestic terrorist group. Valenti, Jack– ...
For the first time, an accused domestic terrorist is being added to the FBI's list of "Most Wanted" terror suspects. Daniel Andreas San Diego, a 31-year-old computer specialist from Berkeley, Calif., is wanted for the 2003 bombings of twocorporate2offices in California. ...
Welcome to The Black Vault's FBI Files category page, a repository of documents from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) obtained via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and Privacy Act. This page serves as a navigational hub, breaking down the w
6 Ways Cops Have Used Sex to Infiltrate and Disrupt Protest Groups We’re just beginning to learn how cops and informants have used sex in their campaigns to spy on political activists. Read the full article → Exclusive Interview with “Eco-Terrorist” Freed 10 Years Early After Feds Withhel...
32 Chapter 5 The FBI's Investigation of Anwar Al-Aulaqi The United States confronts a wide range of international and domestic terror threats. As of September 2011, the FBI was pursuing nearly ^ ^ | international terrorism investigations. The FBI prioritizes counterterrorism cases in investigative...
These realities shaped Byron’s life, who came to be known as Assata Shakur, and were the impetus for her social activism — and eventually landed her on the FBI’s Most Wanted list as a domestic terrorist. In 1973, Shakur was convicted of murdering State Trooper Werner Foerster during a...
FBI, DHS warn of election-related violence The FBI and the Department of Homeland Security's joint intelligence bulletin highlighted the threat of domestic extremism ahead of the U.S. election, saying extremists could target polling sites and rallies with physical attacks, swatting and doxxing. CBS...