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There are five Special Agent Entry Programs: law, language, computer science or information technology, accounting and diversified. Every special agent must qualify under one of these programs. The FBI states that, as of 2010, special agents earn between $40,000 and $70,000 per year. Intellige...
Create an Account to Unlock To find out more about or apply to thisClient Manager - FBIjob—and other great opportunities like it—become a FlexJobs member today! With FlexJobs, you'll find the best flexible jobs and fantastic expert resources to support you in your job search. If you have...
While specific eligibility requirements vary with each position, the agency needs a combination of entry-level FBI jobs and professional roles to staff the organization and handle business operations. A minimum of an undergraduate degree is generally required, however, college students may also gain en...
any four-year degree from an accredited college will be considered as long as the applicant has the kind of work experience required to apply for any open positions. This is known as the diversified entry program, and it is built on the understanding that skilled agents may come from avariet...
This entry was posted inBankingNewsWarand taggedCentral Bankers,FBI,J. Edgar Hoover,Military Industrial Complex,National Security Agency (NSA)onMarch 5, 2015. Corruption is Metastasizing in the U.S. Leave a reply Obviously, not all people who work for the government are corrupt, but after read...
Also, belong to the club before trying to kiss their ass and gain entry. I trust Apple even less than I trust the federal government; and them I don’t trust at all. You don’t have the slightest idea of what you are talking about. ...