Suspicions have surrounded Nazzaro and his connections to Russian intelligence agencies. Living now as a semi-defected American in Saint Petersburg, his work with US special forces during the war on terror meant he had a top secret clearance while fighting insurgencies in Iraq and Afghanistan. But...
Patel worked in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) as the principal deputy to the acting DNI Ric Grenell and helped former Director John Ratcliffe transition into the role. Trump nominated Ratcliffe last month to serve as the director of the CIA. At...
CIA局长有权力“核查”各部门的情报,相当于美国情报界(intelligence community)的“大总管”。2005年之后,CIA局长只管理本部门,统合其他情报部门的职能被“国家情报总监”(Director of National Intelligence)接管。 (《国家安全法》:建立中央情报局) 美国情报部门包括CIA、国家安全局、国防情报局(Defense Intelligence Ag...
In 2017, Patel became a top Republican aide on the House intelligence committee, where he authored a politically charged memo accusing the FBI and the justice department of abusing surveillance powers to spy on a Trump adviser. The memo was criticized as misleading, though an inspector general ...
,而中央情报总监的英文就是Director of Central Intelligence---这直接证明了Central跟的是Intelligence,...
Agencies in attendance included the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. 相关人士透露,会谈在加利福尼亚州门洛帕克的Facebook总部举行。出席会议的机构包括联邦调查局,国土安全部和国家情报局局长办公室。 According to Reuters, Facebook said the ...
Wikileaks 已经预报要发布送希拉里进监狱的邮件了。相信这些会是希拉里的邮件。的确之前泄露的希拉里竞选...
Background The Central Intelligence Agency was created in 1947 with the signing of the National Security Act by President Harry S. Truman. The act also created a Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) to serve as head of the United States intelligence co