One clever and cunning individual has a good chance of getting away with a well- planned interpersonal crime. Bring one partner into the crime and the odds of getting away with it drop considerably. The more people involved in the crime, the harder it is to get away with it. Why? Human...
Easy. You are one who is dominated trying to kiss ass to the dominators. If society needs to find source of crime — then it will find a way; Apple won’t be able to stand in the way to “shield a crime” .. that’s why this is a very good test case. Apple is not “shield...
Supreme Court opinion that, “it is better to let the crime of a guilty person go unpunished than to condemn the innocent [false positive]” [ [13], p. 454]. More recently, the Mitchell court declared that [ [14], ¶240], … in the courtroom the rate of false negatives is ...
Well not only did ISS Mediclean not manage to have the contractually required “two vegtables” available the one vegatable they served me was “frozen peas” and guess what they had managed to burn them black… Well I complained to PAL’s (Patient Advice and Liason) and you should have s...
he's also in violation of the lease and of the law. And I'm sure multiple provisions of that lease as well. You and your landlord buddy need to document everything that's going on. Everything that you're doing from when you discovered the crime to call the attorney — what you kno...
Donna. 或许可以在这里放张大桌子 Maybeabigtableoverhere. 对她想放个大的台球桌 Yeah,shewasthinkinglikeabigpooltablehere. -充满整间房♥的那种吧-他开玩笑的 Thisentireroom,Ithink.-Heiskidding. 在我们开始重新装♥修♥之前 Well,beforewebegin,theremodeling, 我还得和办公室那边确认一下还有本地...
Soyoujustfledthecrimesceneforwhat,ajoyride? 听我说好吗我没拿黑hearts;手hearts;党hearts;的钱 Listentome,OK,IdidnttaketheMafiasmoney. 但他们觉得是我hearts;干hearts;的所以他们绑走了亨利 ButtheythinkIdid.ThatswhytheytookHenry. 你看这是他们给我的用来要赎金的电hearts;话hearts; Look,thisisthephone...
听着 严格来说 Well, look, technically, she didnt 她并没有举报联邦犯罪活动 even report a federal crime. 大多数机构接到那通电hearts;话hearts; I mean, most agents would have taken that call 想都不会想 and told her to call NYPD, 只会让她给纽约警hearts;察hearts;局打电hearts;话hearts; ...
2020 D. Winslow‘Crime 101’ in Broken 104: [of highways] ‘I wouldn’t know the 5 from the 101 from a hole in the ground’. not know one’s arse/ass from one’s elbow (v.) (also not know from one’s arse to one’s elbow, not know whether one is on one’s arse or one...