I have created one validation in document header level for posting date restriction (equal to current date) for transaction code FBCJ. Unfortunately it is not working. May anybody help me to resolve this. Prerequisite Transaction Code = 'FBCJ' (SYST-TCODE = 'FBCJ') Check Posting Date = Curr...
多通道SPI智能功率开关 TDA5235| 无线控制接收器 TLE9104SH| FLEX BTS7010-1EPA| PROFET™ +2 12V |汽车智能高边开关 BTS7004-1EPP| PROFET™ +2 12V |汽车智能高边开关 BTS3035TF| HITFET™+ 12V |汽车级低边开关 TLE75080-ESH| 多通道SPI智能功率开关 ...
As you said, from the method, we have to IMPORT values and then perform validation, then EXPORT. Can you explain me this in detail. See, I have one field namely 'itcj_e_postings-alloc_nmbr' in the standard program 'SAPMFCJ0' of FBCJ Tcode. I need to assign this field with the ...
The TraceBox is a versatile data acquisition and communication tool for the development and validation of motor control software that can be used in conjunction with real target hardware. The TraceBox is connected between the customer application and the PC a...