Step 1)Enter Transaction code FB60 in the SAP Command Field Step 2)In the next screen ,Enter the Following Data Enter Vendor Id of the customer whom invoice is to be posted. Enter Invoice Date Enter Document Type as Vendor Invoice Enter the Invoice Amount in Currency in which invoice is ...
SCREEN. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. ENDIF. ENDMODULE. " CHECK_TCODE INPUT Once this is activated you will the screen fields(Event Date and Event Location): You can also look at any document created and see those fields heldin BKPF or VBKPF. Adding custom to many SAPscreens follow the...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Financial Supply Chain Management, FIN (Finance) Previously, users had the ability to change their screen variants or lay-outs by accessing this icon that looked like an excel spreadsheet. This icon was situated on the right hand upper corner of the line entry of the ...
SAP Managed Tags: SAP Financial Closing cockpit, connector for SAP Multi-Bank Connectivity, FIN (Finance) Dear Gurus, The issue is in the development server and while posting the incoming invoice in FB60 screen. I am unable to fill the amount field (WRBTR) is grayed out. We have ch...
Under the tab "special options for single screen transactions" you have a filed Doc.type option Here, you can select either the "Document type will be displayed" or "Document type hidden" By default, the document types for FB60 and FB65 are Invoice and Credit memo. So user can't ch...
SAP ERP, FIN (Finance) Hi, Can anybody let me know how the screen layout of TCode= MIRO, FB50, FB60, FB70, FB65, FB75 etc. is changed? I want to add the column "COMMITMENT ITEM" during posting with the above Transaction Code. ...
The difference is only in the screen layout for entry. Multiple GL line items in FB60,FB65 in single screen are possible as against F-41. Thanks and regards Kedar You must be a registered user to add a comment. If you've already registered, sign in. Otherwise, register and sign in....
In F-02 second and fourth screens you have provision to enter profit centre In FB50 for every line item details like cost centre, tax juris. code, WBS etc can be added in the same screen In F-02 document can be parked only after atleast one entry is entered In FB50 document can be...
In FB50 for every line item details like cost centre, tax juris. code, WBS etc can be added in the same screen In F-02 document can be parked only after atleast one entry is entered In FB50 document can be parked at even at the initial stages ...
Activated the dynamic actions for master data synchronisation during personnel actions in Customizing forPayroll: Great BritainunderMultiple EmploymentMaster Data ConsistencyActivate Synchronisation During Personnel Actions. Procedure On theSAP Easy Accessscreen, chooseHuman ResourcesPersonnel ManagementHR Master Dat...