添加完信用卡付款信息之后,再点击左侧“Ad Accounts”添加广告账户。点击Ads Account界面的 “Add”,然后选择 “Create A New Ad Account”。 然后填写广告账户名字和选择刚才你保存的付款方式,之后点击“Next”,然后选择“My business”,点击“Create”。
Many websites today are impersonating bookmakers, making it difficult for many players to distinguish between real and reputable websites to enterFB777. Below are some instructional links to help new players who want to create a successful account as soon as they click: ...
(1)选择Advert Account (2)第一次进入,我们没有现有的Advert Account,选择“Create A New Advert Account”备注:选项中“Add an advert account”,是指添加一个现有的广告账户并且管理该广告账户,然后使用我们上面添加的“Payment Method”来支付该广告账户的费用。“Request Access to an Advert Account”,...
The App allows you to perform transactions and manage your bank account(s). It is secure and straightforward to use. The FBN Sierra Leone Mobile App allows you to: • Create an account all by yourself without visiting the bank • Take a selfie and upload an identity card. ...
return RedirectToAction("SendCode", new { ReturnUrl = returnUrl, RememberMe = false }); case SignInStatus.Failure: default: // If the user does not have an account, then prompt the user to create an account ViewBag.ReturnUrl = returnUrl; ...
FB County has been one of the leading street wear manufacturers in California and has continued to create an ever lasting reputation in the garment industry. Some might recognize our apparel from a handful of Hollywood movies such as "Fast and the Furiou
• Create a wallet all by yourself without visiting the bank • Take a selfie and upload an identity card • Existing customers can request for account linkage • View the balances on your bank account(s) and wallet. • Manage your account and preview your transaction history. ...
getSignedInAccountFromIntent(data); handleSignInResult(task); } else if(mCallbackManager!=null) mCallbackManager.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); } //google Implementation GoogleSignInClient mGoogleSignInClient; public void Sign_in_with_gmail(){ GoogleSignInOptions gso = new ...
will create and save an HTML report at the given file path. There are options for: layout: Either 'widescreen' or 'vertical'. The widescreen layout displays details on the right side of the screen, as the mouse goes over each feature. The new (as of 2.0) vertical layout is more compac...
点击Ad accounts以后就可以看到你的广告账户有哪些。如果你还没有创建广告账户,就点击Add-->create a new ad account: 如果你的Ad accounts下面有很多广告账户显示被禁用,比如: 这种情况不用担心,你要做的就是联系FB客服让他们帮你解禁。 要查看广告账户被禁原因,就可以在商务管理平台的首页点击这个广告账户,然后...