Facebook, with its ‘Facebook login’ feature, is the social network par excellence, enabling you to stay perpetually connected with the world through its services. Facebook, founded by Mark Zuckerberg in 2004, initially started as ‘TheFacebook’ and later rebranded as ‘Facebook’ in 2005....
n.脸谱; 美国一个流行的大学生网站; 每个用户在facebook上有自己的档案和个人页面; 美国FACEBOOK是一只对高校学生开放的网站 [英]['feɪsbʊk][美]['feɪsbʊk] Facebook(脸谱)是创办于美国的一个社交网络服务网站,于2004年派轮2月4日上线。主要创始人为美国人马克·扎克伯格。Facebook是世界排名领先...
When I have also defined the scope in the FB Button, Facebook ask me correcty to accept new permissions if I change my scope So seperate it like this: function() {FB.login(function(response) {if(response.authResponse) {console.log('Welcome! Fetching your information... ');FB.api('/m...
你的原问题未分段。 原问题分段是"log in with face dook"。 该中文翻译为"用face dook登录"。其中的face dook应该是美国聊天软件"face book",中文翻译为”脸书“察段誉。 因此正确翻译应为"用脸书登录"。 关于"log in"的一些扩展语句: In order to log in you have to type 燃备in a special password...
}(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 3、用户打开新的页面就是先要判断用户是否在你的应用上已经登录了 FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) { statusChangeCallback(response); console.log(response,"首次检测登陆") ...
⭐️ Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/ceoFB777wincasino/ ⭐️ Twitter: QUICK LINK FB777 LOG IN FB777 SIGN UP FB777 DEPOSIT FB777 WITHDRAWAL DOWLOAD APP FB777 FB777 AGENT FB777have games to suit every player when playing Casino Online. Not only do we have hundreds of Casino gam...
The result from$facebook->getUser()is 0 or the user-id. This value appears to be stored in a Domain Cookie (not a Session Cookie, so it's not deleted when the browser is completely closed and re-opend). This is use full because my page doesn't have to connect with Facebook to...
设置好Facebook资产后,你也可以将Instagram账号连接到Facebook Business Manager; 1、从业务管理器仪表板中,单击右上角的“Business Settings”; 2、在左侧栏,选择Instagram账号,然后点击“Add”,在弹出框中,输入你的Instagram登录信息,点击“Log In”。
I haved found a similar thread Facebook API - How to add application to group in developer mode, but in this answer, it's just say that if i am an admin of both app and group then it will work, but it still return above error. Now i even can't find this app in...