'Pay secrecy clauses are a get out of jail free card for bad bosses,' said TUC general secretary Frances O'Grady. 'They stop workers from challenging unfair pay, allow top executives to hoard profits and encourage discrimination. More openne...
There has also been a tendency for government departments to workat cross-purposes. The NHS used to rely on international recruitment as “aget-out-of-jail-free card” to make up for poor planning, says Anita Charlesw...
NANCY:Your dad's right. Let's play a game together.你爸爸是对的。我们⼀起玩游戏吧。EMMA:Alright, How about Monopoly? Eleven.好的,我们玩⼉⼤富翁 11?BOB:Alright.好的。NANCY:Chance, chance. Get out of jail free. This card may be kept until needed or sold!机会,机会。脱离监禁吧,...
“ No doubt environmentalists would insist the same about carbon credits: they are not a gift certificate or get-out-of-jail-free card for would-be polluters. But they sure do play one on TV. Such is the magic of capitalism. The magic works best in a world of dramatic inequalities. ...
PoC auto collect from GitHub. Contribute to mrawb/PoC-in-GitHub development by creating an account on GitHub.
Nationwide search of 100 million+ United States court cases. White Pages (US) - People search. Limited free info, premium data upsell. ZabaSearch JailBase - is an information site that allows you to search for arrested persons you might know, and even get notified if someone you know gets...
The A to Z of Australia The last continent to be claimed by Europeans, Australia began to be settled by the British in 1788 in the form of a jail for its convicts. While British culture has had the largest influence on the country and its presence can be seen e... JC Docherty - 《...
free a.自由的;免费的 frog n.蛙 from prep.从,自;根据 fuel n.燃料 full a.(of)满的,充满的 fume v.发怒;冒烟 fund n.资金,基金 fuse n.保险丝,导火线 fuss n./v.忙乱 gage n.标准尺寸 gain v.获得,博得 game n.游戏,娱乐 gang n.一帮,一群 gaol n.(jail)监狱; gasp n.喘息 gate n....
Device owners sometimes use such exploits intentionally to gain access to additional functionality (a practice often called rooting or jailbreaking), but these exploits can also be used by attackers to infect devices with malware that bypasses many typical security systems. CVE-2011-1823 is...
题目 3 Criminals are given the ___ of going to jail or facing public humiliation. 选择一项: B. option 题目 4 There must be something wrong with my computer, 2020-07-11 9人浏览 国家开放大学《人文英语2》形考任务2参考答案 国家开放大学《人文英语 2》形考任务 2 参考答案一、选择填空题(...