The F-111 Aardvark was designed as a all-weather multi-role aircraft by the General Dynamics. It was the result of the requirement in the 1960s for a long range interceptor to US Navy and deep-strike interdictor to USAF, but the Navy versions was failed, so the project ended as an ...
以下数据均来自美国空军发布的FB-111ASTANDARD AIRCRAFT CHARACTERISTICS 文件(共六个版本,以1990年版本和...
FB-111A是战略空军司令部Strategic Air CommandSAC 运作的中型战略轰炸机,用于接替 B-58 与早期版本的...
FB-111 是 F-111 的一个战略轰炸变型,装有更大的内置油箱,但实际她并不具备洲际航程,战略任务主要由其挂载的武器完成。 详细参数 产品编号 80351 产品名称 FB-111“土豚”战略轰炸机 条码6939319203519 产品比例 1:48 产品类型 Static Aircraft 模型尺寸 Length:483.6 mm Width: 436mm(maX)/215mm(min) ...
FB-23是美国诺斯洛普公司在2004年为美国空军提出的新的战术轰炸机的设计方案, 诺斯罗普公司称其为快速威胁攻击机”Rapid Theater Attack Aircraft“ ,目的之一是接替计划退役的FB-111战术轰炸机。其整体气动外型类似YF-23。按照诺斯洛普的说法,该机具备超音速巡航能力和一定空战能力。 作为竞争对手,该机型某种程度上也是...
F-111 aircraftThe use of Elapsed Time Indicators (ETI's) on Air Force aircraft subsystems is an outgrowth of the Air Force's growing concern for equipment reliability, which was spawned shortly after World War II. It was not until after the AGREE Report was published in 1957, however, ...
and Desert Storm. The FB-111A was retired from service in 1991, after the end of the Cold War and the introduction of the B-1B Lancer and B-2 Spirit bombers. The FB-111A was a versatile and reliable aircraft that served as a vital component of the US nuclear deterrent for over two...
与 Su-34 对比不合适,Su-34 是 F-111 类型的战术级纵深打击飞机,而 FB-111A 主要用于执行战略...
诺斯罗普公司称其为快速威胁攻击机”Rapid Theater Attack Aircraft“ ,目的之一是接替计划退役的FB-111战...