It was because of this poem by Mr. Goethe that I chose to study German in college. After graduation from University, I decided to go to Germany to continue to learn relevant knowledge and in deed feel the charm of German in t...
markleeberg markleeberg 403 klinikum und fachbereich medizin johann wolfgang goethe-universit?t frankfurt am main andreas zeiher 德国 frankfurt am main frankfurt am main 404 universitaetsklinikum muenster katrin gebauer 德国 münster münster 405 klinikum ernst von bergmann ggmbh klaus bonaventura 德国 ...
而在国际上,我们需要转向20世纪最重要的马克思主义批评家之一捷尔吉·卢卡奇(György Lukács,1885—1971),他1930年代后期和1940年代初在苏联写成的一系列德语论文结集为《歌德及其时代》(Goethe und seine Zeit)。卢卡奇的歌德论,昭示了...
5.Pharmaceutics Division, Collegeof Pharmacy, Universityof Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 6.Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology, J.W.Goethe University,Frankfurt,Germany 7.RIMV – National Institute for Public Health and theEnvironmen...