The FAX-410 is a marine weather facsimile receiver designed to receive and print high quality, high definition weather charts and satellite images, which are transmitted from onshore stations located around the world. Merchant MarineFishing VesselsWorkboats ...
发货地 上海 商品类型 交通运输 、 船舶专用配件 、 其他船舶专用配件 商品关键词 FURUNO、 FAX410AC、 WeatherFax 商品图片 商品参数 加工定制: 否 是否标准件: 标准件 品牌: FURUNO 价格说明 价格:商品在平台的展示标价,具体的成交价格可能因商品参加活动等情况发生变化,也可能随着购买数量不同或所选规格...
The FAX-410 is a marine weather facsimile receiver designed to receive and print high quality, high definition weather charts and satellite images, which are transmitted from onshore stations located around the world. 【Features】 ▶Automatic channel selection by judging the quality of signal recept...
Miscellaneous Accessories Related Products Model / Part # MSRP - USD NX-5 Active Coupler with 0.6 Meter Interconnect Cable. Pre-Tuned at 518kHz $395.00 FAX5 Active Coupler with 15 Meter Interconnect Cable. Range: 80kHz to 30mHz $630.00 001-073-340 GO TO 001-308-730 $155.00 product...
尺寸:FAX-408气象传真接收机(mm) 电源电压:12-24VD(V) 用途:厂家特卖日本古野FURUNO FAX-408气象传真接收机 FAX-410 频道数:150个预设频道 接收模式:F3C '厂家特卖日本古野FURUNO FAX-408气象传真接收机 FAX-410FAX-408气象传真接收机产品概述:该传真机采用热感应打印,安静无噪音,打印纸为“8”宽的热感应纸...
The FAX-410 is a marine weather facsimile receiver designed to receive and print high quality, high definition weather charts and satellite images, which are transmitted from onshore stations located around the world. 【Features】 ▶Automatic channel selection by judging the quality of signal recept...
公司名片 手机号:18752901698 联系人:张倩 公司名称:江苏百锐特贸易有限公司 厂家特卖日本古野FURUNO FAX-408气象传真接收机 FAX-410 查看详情>> 试试键盘 ←→键 试试键盘 ←→键 马可会员 江苏百锐特贸易有限公司 身份验证: 经营模式:贸易型 注册资本:508万元 ...
HP Photosmart Premium Fax C410 series 目录 1 HP Photosmart Premium Fax C410 series 帮助3 2 如何操作?5 3 完成 HP Photosmart 的设置 将 HP Photosmart 添加到网络7 录 设置 HP Photosmart 的传真功能15 目 4 开始了解 HP Photosmart 打印机部件35 控制面板功能38 显示屏图标39 “HP Apps”管理器40 6...