机架式Modem相当于把一组Modem集中于一个箱体或外壳里,并由统一的电源进行供电。机架式Modem主要用于Internet/Intranet、电信局、校园网、金融机构等网络的中心机房。除以上四种常见的Modem外,现在还有ISDN调制解调器和一种称为Cable Modem的调制解调器,另外还有一种ADSL调制解调器。 另外modem还可分为内置...
built-in 56k modem, using smartlink2801 original chips, is a high-performance all-software modem. modem help-specific controls, to quickly diagnose common faults of the internet modem product features: with data transfer functions (send and receive fax more than windows xp systems only); support...
Бұданбылайбіз бұл контентті жүйелі түрдежаңартпаймыз. Бұл өнім, қызмет, технологиянемесе API үшін қолдаукөрсетутуралыақпараталу...
To check if the telephone port on the cable modem is active, connect an analog telephone, and then listen for a dial tone. Setup 2: Printer is connected to a wall jack; cable modem is installed elsewhere in the facility Connect one end of the telephone cable t...
Instant Update The Instant Update software automatically notifies you of any available updates for your modem's firmware. To install the Instant Update software: 1. On the USRobotics Installation CD-ROM, select Software. 2. Select Instant Update. 3. Click Install and follow the on-screen instruc...
Nous ne mettons plus à jour ce contenu régulièrement. Consultez la pagePolitique de support Microsoftpour plus d’informations sur la prise en charge de ce produit, de ce service, de cette technologie ou de cette API. Retour au site principal...
)Software-and-hardware integrated;)Drag and drop on Mac computers;)Fax to email as PDF;)Auto save fax as PDF/TIFF files;)Easy fax management;)Send doc, pdf, excel, image and files the like out as fax;)Fax from ...
This performance is achieved by using a combination of a\nrelatively large diameter metal\nstrand bundle, preferably of copper wire, inside a flat cable of insulator\nmaterial having fire-retardant\nadditives. The large diameter wire bundles are covered with a very thin layer\nof insulation, ...
华硕Fax Modem FM-HSP56PCI说明书
U.S. Robotics 56K Voice Faxmodem内部用户指南说明书 Internal Modem Installation with Windows 95 You will need these items from your U.S. Robotics modem box:modem 56K Voice Faxmodem Internal - User’s Guide 1