HP® 1040 Inkjet Fax w/Copying FAX,1040 BW2123HH (Pack of2): Office Products. Easy-to-use fax with phone for high-quality personal and business communications. Save time with advanced fax capabilities such as scan-and-fax, delayed send, and forward. Print and copy personal and business ...
6、PP共聚/Hostacom X M3 T14 C11295/美国利安德巴塞尔 7、PP均聚/Moplen HF600N/美国利安德巴塞尔 8、PP均聚/Bormed™ HD850MO/奥地利北欧化工 9、PP均聚/SABIC® PPcompound 19T1040/沙伯基础 10、PP均聚/Braskem PP C705-44NA/巴西布拉斯科 薄壁容器,容器,家用货品以下数据由:PBT塑胶原料 http://pbt...
(230°C/2.16 kg) 1.5 g/10 min ASTM D1238机械性能 额定值 单位制 测试方法抗张强度屈服, 23°C 22.0 MPa ISO 527-2屈服2 23.0 MPa ASTM D638伸长率屈服, 23°C 10 % ISO 527-2屈服9.0 % ASTM D638弯曲模量1% 正割 3 1040 MPa ASTM D790A23°C 1020 MPa ISO 178冲击性能 额定值 单位制 ...
Pro-fax EP549U high flow polypropylene impact copolymer is available in pellet form. This resin is typically used in thin-wall injection molding applications and offers very good stiffness/impact balance.Pro-fax EP549U 高流动聚丙烯抗冲共聚物以颗粒形式提供。这种树脂通常用于薄壁注塑成型应用,并提供非常...
供应PP 台湾台塑 1040F 高强度 高耐冲 抗静电 高拉伸透明容器塑胶原料 PP 台湾台塑 3084 汽机车配件 高刚性 耐化学 腐蚀食品接触级塑胶原料 长期供应PP 台湾福聚 8494 标准级 耐老化 塑胶原料 出售PP 台湾福聚 PT331M 标准级 耐老化 食品级 塑胶原料 长期出售PP 台湾福聚 PJ3001 增强级 标准级 塑胶...
弯曲模量 1040MPa 脆化温度 -30.0°C 可售卖地 北京;天津;河北;山西;内蒙古;辽宁;吉林;黑龙江;上海;江苏;浙江;安徽;福建;江西;山东;河南;湖北;湖南;广东;广西;海南;重庆;四川;贵州;云南;西藏;陕西;甘肃;青海;宁夏;新疆 用途 电线电缆 PP在食品上的应用 PP在其他应用 关于我们 价格说明 价格:商品在爱采购的...
Fax Sent to the Wrong Number Tuesday, August 21st, 2018 I sent a fax to the wrong fax number. I got a confirmation that it was received, and when I called the number it’s definitely a fax line. The information I sent was very sensitive. How do I find out where I sent it?
H.P. Rossmanith, Inst. of Mech., Technical Univ. Vienna, Wiedner Hauptstrajk 8- 10/325, A-1040, Vienna, Austria; 43-1- 58-801-5514; Fax 43-1-587-5863. JUNE 1995 5-7 International Conference on Mechan- Ics of Solids & Materials Engineering Nanyang Technological University, Singap...
178a 1932 Death of Gustavus Adolphus 238 181 1933 Postal Savings Bank Type I 239C 181 1933 Postal Savings Bank Type II 239A 181a 1933 Savings Bank imperf x perf 10 239E 181b 1933 Savings Bank imperf x perf 13 240-45 182-87 1935 Parliament Anniversary 240C-42C 182a-84a 1935 Parliamen...