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Avifauna de los bosques templados de Araucaria araucana del sur de Chile. Ecolog´ia Austral 20:33- 45.IBARRA JT, T ALTAMIRANO, N GALVEZ, I ROJAS, J LAKER & C BONACIC (2010) Avifauna de los bosques templados de Araucaria araucana del sur de Chile. Ecologia Austral 20: 33-45....
Kuh-e-Chatorsh section The Mount Chatorsh section is located about 55 km southeast of Mehriz, near Yazd city (Figs.1,6, Table1). In previous works this locality has been named Kuh-é-Tchahtorch (Deloffre, et al.,1977), Tchah-Torch (Khosrow-Tehrani,1987), Kamar-e-Chahtorsh (Nab...
Avifauna del Santuario de la Naturaleza Los Huemules del Niblinto, Región del Bío Bío, Chile During spring 1996 and summer 1997 we assessed the richness and relative abundance of birds in the Los Huemules del Niblinto Nature Sanctuary, a private pr... AFR Ricardo,CA Bravo,ES Corales,...
According to our results the current geographic distribution of the European hare, would cover practically all of Argentina and Chile, southeastern Peru, southwestern Bolivia, southeastern Paraguay, central part of southern Brazil, and all of Uruguay. During the process of invading new areas, the ...
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