the Playa Boca de Apiza sanctuary in Colima the Islas del Pacífico of Baja California reserve the Semiarid Desert reserve of Zacatecas the Sierras la Giganta y Guadalupe reserve in Baja California Sur Mexico currently has 177 PNAs (in various categories), and the new additions bring that tota...
ArgentinaInstars II-V of Largus rufipennis Laporte (Heteroptera: Largidae) are described and illustrated, based on specimens from Corrientes, Argentina.doi:10.1080/01650520412331333774María Del Carmen CoscarónPablo DellapéAuria MartínezLa PlataBuenos Aires...
Desvaux (Poaceae Bambusoideae), is mentioned and discussed. A review of the distribution known for this species in Argentina and Chile is included./pMaría del Carmen CoscarónFernando DiezEstela M. QuiránBiodiversity & Natural History
María del Carmen Méndez TrejoPrograma de Investigación en Botánica Marina Departamento de Biología Marina Universidad Autónoma de Baja California Sur La Paz México National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research Wellington New ZealandKate F. Neill...
Zuñiga, María Del CarmenPescador, M.L., Hubbard, M.D. & Zuniga, M.C. 2001. The status of the taxonomy of the mayfly (Ephemeroptera) fauna of South America. In: Dominguez, E. Trends in research in Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. Kluwer Academics/ Plenum publishers, p. 37-42....
Palomeque-De la Cruz, Miguel ngelRuiz-Acosta, Silvia del CarmenSánchez, Alberto J.Ramos-Reyes, RodimiroGalindo-Alcántara, AdalbertoAgro Productividad
María Carmen L. del ZúigaSpringer USPescador, M.L., Hubbard, M.D. & Zuniga, M.C. 2001. The status of the taxonomy of the mayfly (Ephemeroptera) fauna of South America. In: Dominguez, E. Trends in research in Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. Kluwer Academics/ Plenum publishers, p. 37...