FaultTolerance http://net.pku.edu/~course/cs501/2008 HongfeiYan SchoolofEECS,PekingUniversity 5/5/2008 "Failureisnotanoption.Itcomesbundledwithyoursoftware.“(--unknown) "Youknowyouhave[adistributedsystem]whenthecrashofacomputeryou'veneverheardofstopsyoufromgettinganyworkdone.“(--LeslieLamport) ...
Fault tolerance is provided in a distributed system. The complexity of replicas and rollback requests are avoided; instead, a local failure in a component of a distributed system is tolerated. The local failure is tolerated by storing state related to a requested operation on the component, persi...
Fault-tolerance in distributed systems is traditionally ensured by replication, which can be implemented on top of a group communication infrastructure. Group communication is well understood in the context of a static system, in which a... Andre Schiper - Twenty-second Acm Symposium on Principles...
New schemes for fault-tolerance in multiprocessor and distributed systems have been developed in the following areas: We have investigated a number of fault tolerance schemes to evaluate performance, reliability, and availability trade-offs. Fault tolerance schemes are being developed for various fault ...
The paper is a tutorial on fault-tolerance by replication in distributed systems. We start by defining linearizability as the correctness criterion for replicated services (or objects), and present the two main classes of replication techniques: primary-backup replication and active replication. We int...
Distributed systems and fault tolerance - ScienceDirectdoi:10.1016/0165-6074(87)90080-9Technische Universiteit EindhovenUniversity of Technology],Microprocessing and Microprogramming
Synthesis of Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems Summary: A distributed system is fault-tolerant if it continues to perform correctly even when a subset of the processes becomes faulty. Fault-tolerance is highly desirable but often difficult to implement. In this paper, we investigate ... R Dimitrov...
SAUCR还可以保持一个很好的性能(虽然是在快模式下测试的) Summary 参考资料 Hermant, J.-F & Le Lann, Gerard. (2002). Fast asynchronous uniform consensus in real-time distributed systems. Computers, IEEE Transactions on. 51. 931- 944. 10.1109/TC.2002.1024740....
Fault tolerance and load balancing middleware can increase the quality of service seen by the users of distributed systems. Fault tolerance makes the applications more robust, available and reliable, while load balancing provides better scalability, response time and throughput. This paper describes a ...
Abstract Distributed real-time and embedded (DRE) systems often require support for multiple simultaneous quality of service (QoS) properties, such as real-timeliness and fault tolerance, that operate within resource constrained environments. These resource constraints motivate the need for a lightweight...