这周新一篇技术文章来袭,上周我们对故障注入测试(Fault Injection Test)方法进行了初步的了解,本周要分享的技术文章是《故障注入测试(Fault Injection Test)评价类型说明》,将针对故障注入测试进行更深层的说明。 故障注入测试是指在系统正常运转期间,强制注入人为的系统缺陷,检测测试系统对异常情况的反应(强韧性)的方法。
Fault injection is comparable to other types of testing such aschaos engineering. However, fault injection differs as it requires a specific approach to test a single condition. Fault injection testing can also be applied to hardware, as it can simulate hardware failures such as shorted connections...
根据Fault对象选定类型,并据此确定发生时间和发生次数,生成Fault。 图1 Fault生成方法 2. 监控系统发生故障时的运行状态 按照制定的故障方法,监控运行中的Target系统发生故障时的动作状态。 图2 防止生成Failure策略 表1 术语说明 3. 测试结果 通过2次运行状态监测,发生与Task schedule相关的Fault及CPU 寄存器、软件组...
A fault injection test usesspecial means to introduce faults into the system. This can be done within thesystem via a special test interface or specially prepared elements orcommunication devices. The method is often used to improve the test coverage ofthe safety requirements, because d...
具体说明参考Documentation/fault-injection/fault-injection.txt文档 我在调试mmc驱动的时候用到了fail_mmc_request,可以控制产生data.error 内核配置是CONFIG_FAIL_MMC_REQUEST Kernel hacking ---> [*] Fault-injection framework [*] Fault-injection capability for MMC IO ...
Fault injection testing is the process of deliberately inserting an error into an application under test and then running the application to determine whether the application deals with the error properly. Fault injection testing can take several different forms. In this month’s...
TestAPIin its current release supports runtime fault injection. The API is pretty easy to use. It comprises of the following steps In code, the above looks something like string method = "TestApplication.DoSomething()"; ICondition condition = BuiltInConditions.TriggerOnNthCall(2); ...
The SCSI fault injection test-开源 开发技术 - 其它kr**is 上传21KB 文件格式 bz2 通过在系统上注入SCSI故障,该工具可以测试与文件系统相关的错误处理例程,并阻止Linux系统的I / O。 可以使用此工具测试使用SCSI中间层的任何上层应用程序/驱动程序。
Fault Injection Test Harness Reprinted from the Proceedings of the Linux Symposium July23th–26th,2003 Ottawa,Ontario Canada
在test bench中利用system verilog中的random功能来植入错误。公司内的大神可以透过一些 `ifdef, parameter等语法来确保fault injection不是每次在你设计时候都跑到天荒地老。 透过simulator中的来针对某些signal进行Force的动作。但是在做这样做法时候要小心,因为植入点很重要。有些点基本上就是做白工。下图范例重点就是...