Analyzr是一套芯片安全评估分析设备,通过旁路攻击(Side Channel Attack)分析及故障注入(Fault Injection Attack)分析方式对实际芯片进行安全攻击测试评估,定位安全漏洞,分析安全泄露,提高安全保护。 Analyzr支持旁路攻击SCA:通过设备抓取所测系统在加密处理的过程中的物理泄露信息比如功耗、电磁等,通过SPA、CPA、DPA、MIA、TA...
M2354错误注入攻击(Fault Injection Attack)防护 描述 摘要(Abstract) 就在全球行动运算IP大厂Arm推出它的新隔离技术TrsutZone™不久,黑客界就顺势推出其针对该架构所发表的攻击,并号称能够绕过TrustZone™的保护,姑且不论黑客最终是否能够靠该破解取得任何实质的信息或利益,我们所能够知道的是,黑客所使用的方法,就...
Fault injection attacksDifferential fault analysisParitySensorsFault Injection Attacks are a powerful form of active attack mechanism which can threaten even the strongest of cryptographic algorithms. This attack vector has become more pertinent with the growing...
Analyzr是一套芯片安全评估分析设备,通过旁路攻击(Side Channel Attack)分析及故障注入(Fault Injection Attack)分析方式对实际芯片进行安全攻击测试评估,定位安全漏洞,分析安全泄露,提高安全保护。 Analyzr支持旁路攻击SCA:通过设备抓取所测系统在加密处理的过程中的物理泄露信息比如功耗、电磁等,通过SPA、CPA、DPA、MIA、TA...
Fault injection attack is an extremely powerful technique to extract secrets from an embedded system. Since their introduction, a large number of countermeasures have been proposed. Unfortunately, they suffer from two major drawbacks: a very high cost on system performance and a security frequently ...
3.3 Fault Injection by Voltage Glitching 3.4 SVI2 Protocol 4. Attack Scenario 4.1 Two Example of Attack Scenarios 4.2 Targeting the AMD-SP 4.3 Glitching the AMD-SP 5. Lunch Attack 5.1 Attack Steps 5.2 Firmware Decryption 6. Summary
We propose a novel sensitivityanalysis scheme that accurately identif i es the most vulnerableDNN layers to the fault-injection attack. The DNN signatureis then constructed by encoding the underlying weights in thevulnerable layers using a low-collision hash function. When theDNN is deployed, new ...
We propose two kinds of fault injection attacks to achieve this objective. Without considering stealthiness of the attack, single bias attack (SBA) only requires to modify one parameter in DNN for misclassification, based on the observation that the outputs of DNN may linearly depend on some ...
Elliptic curve cryptography (ECC) is ubiquitous and used to secure everything from internet traffic to embedded devices. Fault injection attacks are a powerful class of attack technique capable of recovering secrets by introducing errors during the implementation of a cry...
Such IEMI could pose a severe threat to a large number of electrical devices with cryptographic modules since it can be used for performing fault injection attacks, which in turn allows for obtaining faulty outputs (i.e., ciphertexts) from cryptographic modules and exploiting them to reveal ...