The meaning of FATTY ACID is any of numerous saturated aliphatic monocarboxylic acids CnH2n+1COOH (such as acetic acid) including many that occur naturally usually in the form of esters in fats, waxes, and essential oils.
Define fatty acid. fatty acid synonyms, fatty acid pronunciation, fatty acid translation, English dictionary definition of fatty acid. n. Any of a large group of monoprotic acids, especially those found in animal and vegetable fats and oils, having the g
Learn what fatty acids are and how fatty acid molecules function. Understand the definition of fatty acid and the profile, composition, and types of fatty acids. Updated: 11/21/2023 Table of Contents What are Fatty Acids? Types of Fatty Acids Synthesis of Fatty Acids Reactions of Fatty ...
Medical Definition trans-fatty acidnoun ˈtran(t)s-ˈfat-ē- ˈtranz- : any of various unsaturated fatty acids that are characterized by a trans arrangement of alkyl chains, that are formed especially during the hydrogenation of vegetable oils, and that have been linked to an increase ...
Looking for online definition of Fatty acids, unsaturated in the Medical Dictionary? Fatty acids, unsaturated explanation free. What is Fatty acids, unsaturated? Meaning of Fatty acids, unsaturated medical term. What does Fatty acids, unsaturated mean?
Omega-3 fatty acids, a name often heard in health discussions, are essential nutrients that pack numerous benefits for the body and mind. When incorporated
Omega-3 fatty acids:Omega-3 fatty acids are a class of fatty acids found in fish oils, especially in salmon and other cold-water fish, that lowers the levels ofcholesterolandLDL(low-density lipoproteins) in the blood. (LDL cholesterol is the "bad" cholesterol.) ...
Define Transfatty acids. Transfatty acids synonyms, Transfatty acids pronunciation, Transfatty acids translation, English dictionary definition of Transfatty acids. n. 1. A trans fatty acid. 2. Trans fatty acids considered as a group. American Heritage
2.1Fatty acids Fatty acidsare the fundamental building blocks oflipidsand form the major component of the body fat. They consist of hydrophilic carboxylic group (head portion) to which lipophilic long chain ofalkyl groups(tail portion) is attached. The tail usually contains even number of carbon ...
Define branched chain fatty acids. branched chain fatty acids synonyms, branched chain fatty acids pronunciation, branched chain fatty acids translation, English dictionary definition of branched chain fatty acids. adj. fat·ti·er , fat·ti·est 1. Cont