Leah GillinghamValue-Added Fats and Oils: What's on the Horizon
Oils文档格式PPT 系统标签: oilsfatslinseedsaffloweroilunsaturated Oilsandfats DavidS.Seigler DepartmentofPlantBiology UniversityofIllinois Urbana,Illinois61801USA seigler@life.illinois.edu http://.life.illinois.edu/seigler OUTLINE:OILSANDFATS Importance oAllcultures oRequiredindiet Botanical oManyfamilies Econom...
oils updated 2012 by LIU updated 2012 by LIU * Margarine was developed to fill both an economic and a nutritional need when it was first made as butter substitute. * Margarine was developed to fill both an economic and a nutritional need when it was first made as butter substitute. * Marg...
•Oilsandfats–importantforstoringchemicalenergyinlivingthings.•Oilsareliquids–fatsaresolids.•Madefromestersofpropane-1,2,3,triol(glycerol)+longchaincarboxylicacidsRCOOH.HH-C-O-HH-C-O-HH-C-O-HHPropane-1,2,3-triolOH-O-C-(CH2)14CH3 palmiticacid Table11Commonfattyacids Typesoftriesters HH...
oilsfatsfatflavorcanolalard FatsandOilsFatsandOils Differencebetweenoiland solidfats Differencebetweenoiland solidfats Oil-fatthatisliquidatroomtemperature Canola,corn,cottonseed,olive,safflower; soybean,andsunflower Nuts,seeds,olives,avocados,andsomefishalso containoils Solidfats-fatsthatarefirmatroom temperatu...
PPT+ Source Use Ask Statista Research Service Release date April 2024 Region United Kingdom Survey time period 2022 Supplementary notes Product code 15 'Animal, vegetables fats and oils, cleavage products, etc' Figures calculated by International Trade Centre (ITC) based on UN Comtra...
;U.N. FAO/ WHO Expert Consultation on Risks and Benefits of Fish Consumption. ; Gates Foundation/ WHO Global Burden of Diseases Study Nutritional Risks for Chronic Diseases Expert Group.Dariush MozaffarianValue-Added Fats and Oils: What's on the Horizon...
solublevitamins, cannotfunctionwithoutadequatedaily fatintake Fatcellsinsulateyourbodyandhelp sustainanormalcorebody temperature. Sources Margarine(Saturated) Butter(Saturated) Oils(unsaturated) Fastfoods Bakedgoods Meats(mostlysaturated) Dairyproducts TypesofFats Saturatedfat Foundinanimalfoods Somevegetableoilsare...
lipids and fats 文档格式: .ppt 文档大小: 71.0K 文档页数: 17页 顶/踩数: 0/0 收藏人数: 0 评论次数: 0 文档热度: 文档分类: 外语学习--英语学习 文档标签: lipidsandfats 系统标签: fatslipidsunsatrationpolymorphicchelatingesterification LipidsandFatsLipidsandFats FunctionsofFatsinFoodsFunctionsofFatsinFoo...
Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of refractive indexdoi:BS EN ISO 6320:2000交叉引用:ISO 5555:1991ISO 5725-1:1994ISO 5725-2:1994ISO 661