1) FATP1 gene FATP1基因 1. 【Method】 PCR-SSCP was applied to analyze the polymorphisms of partial exon loci inFATP1 genein 381 Chinese chicken from Dahen breeding company. 【目的】研究FATP1基因多态性与优质肉鸡屠体性状的相关性,为进一步加快育种进程提供参考依据。
The 2 164 bp 5'-flanking region of the bovine FATP1 gene was cloned successfully and the core promoter region was preliminary predicted in the gene.龚婷许厚强陈伟赵佳福骆衡陈祥张勇生物技术通报龚婷,许厚强,陈伟,等.牛 FATP1基因 5′侧翼启动子克隆及序 列分析[J].生物技术通报,2013(5):86-92....
Correlation Analysis Between FATP1 Gene Polymorphism and Carcass Traits in Chicken 鸡FATP1基因多态性与屠体性状的相关分析 3. cDNA Cloning, Tissue Expression and Bioinformatic Analysis of Fatty Acid Transport Protein 1 in Chicken; 鸡FATP1基因cDNA的克隆、组织表达及其生物信息学分析 ...
In this study, FATP1 gene silencing was induced by transfecting siRNA of target sequence into chicken preadipocytes, then the expression of FABP was found down-regulated while the expression of FAT was raised. In addition, differential inhibition of the cells was observed and the expressions of ...
geneexpression inacertaintissue. 4 鸡FATPI/FATP4基凼的克降、表达及其与屠体性状的关联分析 Thecurrent studyadoptedeightdifferent populations of Dahenghi曲-quality chickeninSichuan province as samples.Five SNPsinFATP1 gene wereidentified using PCR,SSCP ...
Long Name Fatty Acid Transport Protein 1 Entrez Gene IDs 376497 (Human); 26457 (Mouse); 94172 (Rat) Alternate Names ACSVL5FATP-1; EC 6.2.1; EC 6.2.1.-; FATP1; FATP1Solute carrier family 27 member 1; FATPlong-chain fatty acid transport protein 1; Fatty acid transport protein 1; ...
Entrez Gene IDs 376497 (Human); 26457 (Mouse); 94172 (Rat) Alternate Names ACSVL5FATP-1; EC 6.2.1; EC 6.2.1.-; FATP1; FATP1Solute carrier family 27 member 1; FATPlong-chain fatty acid transport protein 1; Fatty acid transport protein 1; FLJ00336; MGC71751; SLC27A1; solute ca...
Both FATP1 and FATP4 have been shown to exhibit broad range FA CoA synthetase activity (4, 15, 26) and are members of a related, five-member gene family in mice (six members in the human FATP family). However, the specific activity of the ACS family appears to be at least an ...
Gene Symbol SLC27A1 Additional FATP1 Products All Products for FATP1 FATP1 cDNA Clones FATP1 Lysates FATP1 Primary Antibodies FATP1 Proteins and Enzymes Product Documents for FATP1/SLC27A1 Antibody (308420) [mFluor Violet 450 SE] Product Datasheets Download Product Datasheets COA ...
Gene Symbol SLC27A1 Additional FATP1 Products All Products for FATP1 FATP1 cDNA Clones FATP1 Lysates FATP1 Primary Antibodies FATP1 Proteins and Enzymes Product Documents for FATP1/SLC27A1 Antibody (308420) [Biotin] Product Datasheets Download Product Datasheets COA SDS Product ...