fatness的趨勢 廣告僅供參考,由機器翻譯系統提供。查看原文,請訪問:Etymology, origin and meaning of fatness 廣告 fatness附近的字典條目 fathomless fatigue fatigues Fatimid fatling fatness Fatso fatten fattening fatty fatuity 連結論壇完整來源列表連結產品iOS 應用程式Android 應用程式Chrome 擴充功能關於誰做的介紹...
synonyms (15) Words with the same meaning corpulence corpulency embonpoint fertility fleshiness fruitfulness grossness hence obeseness obesity pinguidity pinguitude plumpness polysarcia richness hypernyms (1) Words that are more generic or abstract bodily property hyponyms (...
The meaning of FAT is notable for having an unusual amount of fat. How to use fat in a sentence.
The meaning "abounding in comforts, prosperous" is from late 14c. The slang meaning "attractive, up to date" (also laterphat) is attested from 1951.Fat cat"privileged and rich person" is from 1928.Fat chance"no chance at all" attested from 1905, perhaps ironic (the expression is found ...
fatnessobesityhealthpreschoolchildrenadolescentsadultsolder adultsThere is an increasing body of evidence supporting that both fitness and fatness levels relate to current and future individuals' health status. In this article, we discuss the meaning of fitness and fatness/obesity, and make...
Psalms 73:7 Meaning and Commentary Ver. 7 Their eyes stand out with fatness Or their face, the eyes being put for the whole face; so the Targum, ``their face is changed, because of fatness;'' see ( Job 15:27 ) , otherwise through fatness the eyes are almost enclosed: or "it...
In this part naming colors in a situation of incongruence between the meaning of a word and the color of the font used was measured. On a white sheet of A4 paper there were five columns and twenty rows of words which were the names of the colors: red, blue,and green. The words were...
63. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “ironclad” in paragraph three? A. right B. protective C. objective D. positive 64. Which of the following is NOT right? A. 18% of the younger children are fatter than fat teenagers. B. 10 % of the children under...
“historical and cultural positioning” of fat people in a society that benefits from their marginalization as well as from processes of adhering meaning onto bodies. The association between fatness and ugliness impacts fat people’s social and professional lives as well as their access to non-...
Because there is too much liquid calories in drinks for children. C. Because experiences even when in the womb can affect a child. D. Because fat children cannot be healthy ones when they grow up. (3) Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word“ ironclad ”in paragraph ...