are by far the most common causes of prolonged fatigue. Fatigue may represent a defence mechanism that prevents you from having to face the true cause of your depression, such as the fact that you hate your job. It is also your body's safety mechanism for expressing repressed emotional confl...
especially when combined with a sense of low job satisfaction. It notes, however, that burnout can be resolved quite easily: by changing jobs. It also doesn’t impact a person’s outlook on the world
The impact of safety, climate, job autonomy and feedback on fatigue: A case study of Turkish marine pilotsGoekce CeyhunGoenuel Kaya
The maritime industry is known for its history of infamous accidents that claimed hundreds of human lives and left oceans heavily polluted in their aftermath. Although the maritime industry is deemed one of the most dangerous places to work, research focused on the human factor and safety performan...
As I mentioned earlier, after feeling great with my dietary changes and supplements on my road to Hashimoto’s remission, I hit a wall. I should mention that I was working hard at that time at my day job, as a medication safety pharmacist. I spent every evening, weekend, and day off ...
Fatiguecanbetheresultofavarietyoffactors:•thebody’snaturalrhythms•workschedule•typeoftask•workenvironment•nonwork-relatedissues TheBodyClock •Knownascircadianrhythms•Operatesona24-hourcycle•Makesyousleepywhenit’sdarkandawake whenit’slight•Controlsavarietyofbodyfunctions:•Sleepiness...
"I thought that by giving endless compassion to my clients, I was 'leaving it all on the field'. In fact, bearing the responsibility for my clients' pain without consideration for my own needs and limits meant that I wasn’t a particularly effective therapist," she says. ...
There is some truth to the notion that a post-Thanksgiving meal heavy on the turkey will put you into a “food coma.” The reason is the calming amino acid tryptophan in the turkey. Tryptophan is a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin, whichhelps you feel calm and better able to ...
When the pandemic began, many organizations and their employees mustered the energy and determination to respond fast and surprisingly well to unprecedented challenges. Companies rightfully stepped up by focusing on their employees’ health and safety...