fatigue•On these occasions, it was said, he was insensible to bothfatigueand heat.•But nobody who regularly uses the motorway can say they haven't been warned about the dangers of driverfatigue.•Symptoms of the illness include fever,fatigue, and loss of appetite.•Moreover,fatiguefro...
There is limited evidence for effectiveness ofcannabinoidson appetite stimulation, with minor or no overall nutritional advantages in AIDS or cancer cachexia. The remaining indications are largely supported by anecdotal case reports and small uncontrolled case series.105The main active compound present in...
fatigue•On theseoccasions, it was said, he wasinsensibleto bothfatigueandheat.•Butnobodywho regularly uses themotorwaycan say they haven't beenwarnedabout thedangersofdriverfatigue.•Symptomsof theillnessincludefever,fatigue, andlossofappetite.•Moreover,fatiguefromuntreatedsleepapnea may lead ...
Fatigue can be a symptom of infections ranging from the flu to HIV. If you have an infection, you'll probably have other symptoms like fever, head or body aches, shortness of breath, or loss of appetite. (They'll vary depending on what infection you have.) ...
* fatigue, weight loss, loss of appetite; * 疲倦、体重下降、食欲减退; WHO Usually, there are disturbances in appetite and sleep, constant fatigue, crying spells and inability to derive any pleasure from life. 通常的病征是食欲和睡眠失调、经常疲倦、不时哭泣以及无法从生活上感到任何乐趣。
Poor appetite and the potential for dehydration are problems commonly associated with pulmonary disease. Purulent sputum, coughing, and fatigue can contribute to loss of interest in eating. Mouth breathing, increased respiratory rate, and frequent expectorating contribute to the loss of fluid.Frequent ...
Twice as bad.’ And ‘No drug can heal cancer. The body and the body alone when it’s given the right conditions can cause cancer to be conquered in the body.’ And ‘A fever is nothing to fear.’ O’Neill’s claim that ‘No drug can heal cancer’ is demonstrably wrong. Life exp...
Appetite loss Impaired hand-to-eye coordination (the ability to do activities that require the use of both hands, such as driving) Reduced immune system function Attention difficulties and poor concentration Memory problems Blurry vision Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ...
Appetite, food intake, swallowing, and bowel patterns should be described. For repeat evaluations, patients should keep a food diary because recollections of food intake are often inaccurate. Nonspecific symptoms of potential causes are noted, such as fatigue, malaise, fevers, and night sweats. ...
She reported no motor or sensory deficits but had difficulty with coordination. Review of systems was posi- tive for dysuria and urinary frequency. She did not have fever, chills, weight or appetite changes, respiratory, cardiac, or gastrointestinal symp- toms, or recent head trauma. The ...