The Council also conceptualized fatigue as either primary (intrinsic to the MS disease process) or secondary to chronic illness factors, such as medication, depression or poor sleep. Distinctive features of MS fatigue The nature of MS-related fatigue can be distinguished from other types of fatigue...
A2 Oh Boy, Fibromyalsia is really tough to diagnose, but my guess would be at your age it isn't that. Sounds more like Rheumatoid Arthritis, to me. Your other symptoms DO coincide with either disease. Except for the nausea, and that is probably from your meds. Your body is young for...
The stress axis can also be either the stress amplitude (σmax ‒ σmin)/2, the stress range (σmax ‒ σmin) or mean stress (σmax + σmin)/2 and it is generally seen that the fatigue life depends weakly on the R ratio (R = σmin/σmax), where σmax and σmin represent...
may in many cases not be sufficient to explain the contraction-induced decrease in membrane excitability and force; (2) moderate increases in [K+]e actually potentiates sub-tetanic force; and (3) changes in Cl− conductance (GCl) may be crucial in determining when K+ can either potentiate...
In addition, either the stress-life or strain-life method can be combined with the fatigue crack growth method to consider both crack initiation and all growth stages inherent to the fatigue process – and this is the so-called ‘two-stage model’ [111]. 3.2.2 Fatigue crack initiation Low...
“When people experience decision fatigue—when they are tired of making choices—they have a tendency to choose to go with the status quo (现状), he says. But the status quo can be problematic, since a change in the course of action can sometimes be important and lead to a positive ...
non-pathological fatigue is predictable and does not interfere with usual daily activities. Non-pathological fatigue is typically brought about by prolonged exertion and diminishes with rest [8]. In addition to pathological and non-pathological fatigue, fatigue may also be subdivided as either physical...
ERP waves comprise a series of positive and negative voltage deflections related to several underlying perceptual, motor, and cognitive components, and components are referred to by a letter (P or N) that indicates polarity (positive or negative) and by a number that indicates either the latency...
The views contained in this paper are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not represent the official views, either expressed or implied, of the NIH or the Chinese and U.S. governments. Author information Author notes Bin Ma and Chunxiao Li are Co-First Authors Authors and ...